
Guy Issues Help :)))

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So i began working this summer and i think i may have feelings with one of the other people i work with. this isnt a major job or anything im only 15, just seasonal job. Im going to be a junior and he's going to be a sophomore but hes only 4 months younger than me.(we go to the same school, so im not some weirdo lol) from the way he acts i think he's coming off as a total flirt :) but its just nice to be around him cuz he makes me smile like non-stop lol i have only worked with him 3 times (thats the werido part) does any of this come off a bit strange to any of you, what should i do?




  1. guy issues are soo kool

  2. get to no him better

    you like him rite

    the chance is there and you are young

    and live happily ever after

  3. It's a hormonal thing.  You are attracted to him and it sounds like he's attracted to you, so let it happen.  You could always ask him to go to a movie with you before school starts and see what happens.  It's not unusual for co-workers to hang out together, so asking him to accompny you to a movie, or shopping for back to school stuff, or any other low key social thing would be natural.  Then if everything is right, spring your trap.
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