
Guy trouble.... what do you think??

by  |  earlier

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so i really like this guy. his family and my family are really good friends, and they just moved here. i emailed (facebook) him asking him how school was, and all he said was 'good. i like it there'

so how do i respond to that? what do i say?

he kinda just left me hanging!

i really like him, and in my message i wasn't flirty at all, i just wanted to do the 'friends' thing first. now i have no idea what to do. please help me!


would it sound completely stupid if i said, 'oh that's good'


should i ask another question? or is that weird?




  1. you dummy, you're just too scared because it would have been very natural to ask him what he liked about it, and if you will really listen to what you hear, you can comment on his replies and add what you like or you could agree with him. Just have a mellow conversation.

  2. emm if that was his reply im afraid he is not interested in you , or he's going through a phase. the first one is the most propable though.

  3. ask another Question. do/did you go to that school- try something like " have you had Mr**** isn't he horrid, he once ***" or " i really like Mrs ****, i had her for *** "

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