
Guy troubles(Please Answer)!!!!!!

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When I was with my boyfriend we had s*x a couple of times. One of those times I got pregnant. When I told him that I was pregnant he left. Now I haven't seen him for 2 years and all of a sudden he wants to be a part of my daughters life. I understand not wanting to be a father when he was 14 but now he does. What should I do????

BTW we are both 16 and my daughter is 2.




  1. You need to tell him that it was wrong of him to leave you. But let him be a part of your daughter's life.

  2. wow wow!

    if this is a lie then.. ha ha?

    but anyways i'm not the one to judge you but at 14 it's not smart to be having s*x.

    it's a personal problem that only you and people who know you "like that" can answerrrrrr.  

  3. ur stupid for getting pregnant at 14 in the first place

    second its his daughter he has the right and do u really want ur daughter growing up without her father?

  4. you shouldnt have s*x at 14.

    but i think that it is his kid and he does have to the right to see and be with his dad.

    plus being without a dad sucks.

  5. ok i dont think its right how people are p***sed at you for having s*x at 14 who cares but i think you need to ask him why all of a sudden he wants to be in your daughters life and you should tell him that he really dosnt deserve to be in her life at the momment becasue if you have raised her since then you can handle raising her now without his help because he wasnt there for you then so why should he be here now? but if you do want him in her life then maybe you should give him a chance and if he bails out on you again then dont let him back

  6. you shouldnt be having s*x at 14 .

    but,you should give this guy one chance .

    he was 14 when you were pregnant .. it probably scared him !

    i mean he was a kid and you still are ..

    yeah,give him one chance,and if he screws up then he shouldnt get to see your kid anymore .

  7. your just ******* stupid on getting pregnant at 14 and you should of had a the kid ain't brought up by kids......maybe you shouldnt of let ur boyfriend *** inside of you and maybe he should of worn a condom yeah just let him be in your child life

  8. you know whatt? s***w all these people that are making you feel bad! it's ok( well ovbiously it's not lol) but i had my son when i was 15 and his dad pissed off, but now he is coming back 'coz he regrets running away, and in a way i want him to be there but i dont at the same time because i dont want him to run away again... i kno its hard... but i came to the conclusion that growing up without a father is heartbreaking so i think that you should give him like a month trial just to see how he goes... i kno that sounds reli bad but, it might work...

    KiKi xx

  9. hey im 13 TURNING 14 (lovely isn't it) and ive had s*x this year (yes everyone thumbs down for me idc c:!). But my boyfriend is really supportive, and he's prepared if he accidentially gets me pregnate.

    Well your boyfriend (or friend whatever :p), has matured and obviously wants the best for you daughter. What should you do? let him into your life again, i mean wouldn't it be nice for your daughter to have a father :p ? Sorry i wasn't so sure what you were asking btw:p, but i hope this heaps<3

    good luck!!

  10. WOW! that's huge. but ok. well firstly i think you should let him be a father cause imagine what your child would be like when she grows up. i know heaps of people without fathers and they don't seem very happy. its best for your kid and it will be less hassle for you. congratulations though.  :-)

  11. He was young and scared and probably didn't know what to do so that is why he left.  That's not cool, but he was young and didn't know how to act  so I can understand that.  That is good that he wants his daughter back in his life and I think it would be wise to give him another shot esp. since she is still young.  I would give it a try before she gets to old and doesn't know him.  Good Luck!

  12. Hey Jessie,

    I think considering you were both only 14 neither of you were niether mentally or physically prepared for a baby. Obviously you had your period but this does not mean you were ready. The father was obviously scared of the commitment and responsibility of having a child. It is normal for anyone your age.

    Considering you were the one pregnant you had more of a reason to go through with it. I mean you were really brave to go through that decision but for him it would of been even harder. You see male's brains mature later. Whilst you were 14 you were already thinking like a 16 maybe even 17 year old female mentally where else compared to you his brain age was at about 12. You can see how scary the thought of child would be to either of you.

    If i were you I would talk to him and see why the sudden change of heart. Personally i didn't meet my dad till i was 17 because my mum made the wrong choice when i was 4. Thinking it would hurt me too much. For a while i really hated her for making that decision and wished he would of been involved with me from a younger age.

    If i were you and his intentions were good I would give him a go. Also make sure you tell him once he's involved there's no going back out.

    Before you say yes though please also think about the emotional journey and impact the decision will have on you. WIll it be painful to have him back in your life?

    REMEMBER: your daughter is the most important in this (please don't let pride stuff up your judgement)

    The best of luck,

    xo amber

  13. I would be a little hesitant.  Your daughter is at a stage where if he comes, it will be a heartbreak if he leaves again.  I would give him ONE chance, and if he chooses to s***w it up, then let him go.  

  14. Awh... Whats the daughters name?

    And you shouldn't let him if he couldn't have been in it through the pregnancy he shouldn't be in care with you daughter.

    She may not be safe with him.

  15. dont let him join he doesnt deerve it you had to keep the baby for 2 years he never did

  16. Okay it was stupid of you to have s*x that young and you got pregnant too but give him one chance if he screws up then that's it cause its easy to break a little kids heart if he leaves again at that age it happen to me and i know how it feels i still remember it it stay with a kid when you leave a kid at young age i mean i was like 3 when it happen and now im 14 i still remember it hope that helps

  17. Let him met her, he must have been freaked out at the time. Trust me it's probably been bothering him for those two hole years. Plus you never know, let him see her I can't tell you that he will certainly want to be a part of her life forever but just let him decide. It's stress full for him also. And Kudos on the child at 14, I don't like teen pregnancy but you must have had determination and will power and that is something to admire.  

  18. At least he wants to try now, i would give him a chance.your daughter needs to know her father. and he needs to be a part of her life.i feel really bad for children that dont have their father.its heartbreaking to see single mothers struggling,and there is some single Mothers that do good, too.when he was 14 he was afraid and so were you, but thank God you didn,t freak out and get and abortion, because you both can enjoy, your beautiful daughter.why dont both of you talk and agree to be the best parents  to your daughter that you can. and please start by taking your daughter to church and teaching her about God. (Teach your child in the way they should go, and when they are older they will not depart from it.) Connie

  19. Let him meet her. At that age any guy would be confused and scared. Still no reason to leave you. But if he has come to his senses, you should let him.

  20. had s*x at 14.

    thats not natural

  21. well i think that you should first find out what his motives are for wanting to be a part of your daughters life. and make sure that he is financially stable, and that he is helping with chidcare. but if he just trully wants to make sure that his daughter is part of his life, and that she is part of his, then why not let him?

  22. your daughter should meet him... maybe dont call him daddy tho, just be like this is my friends that way she wont have her heart broken when he leaves again. But WTF has be been doing in the past 2 years that would have kept him from his darling daughters side??? Maybe just this once as a tester a child should at least kno both parents and if he is making an effort (finially) then try it out.

  23. so let him be in the childs life, i mean dang he was 14... scared him proabably, i dont see why you wouldnt give it a try, you never know he could turn a new life  

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