
Guys, I need your advice?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have been going for a year now, and hes coming to my house Friday.I moved a little while ago so we see each other only a few times a month.

My question is, what can I wear,look like,and whatever to just make a good impression?Some thing that will make him think "Wow!"

And of course I'll be acting like myself,I just need some tips (:

Thanks guys!

Edit:Also, when you first look at a woman(just by looks) what is the first thing you look at ? I'd like to know so maybe I can highlight this area(eyes,hair,body in general)

Thanks again!




  1. i  look at the hair right make sure that looks good and i reccomend a tanktop it will be a teaser he will want more short shorts and    

    i like tube socks on a ggirl but i dont know what he likes

  2. honestly I look at eyes, face, b***s, azz in that order. That is the brutal truth.

    wear something skimpy but not whorish that'll majorly turn him on. maybe a little cleavage and thigh showing.

  3. You should wear a tight tank top, and show a little b***s. This will be teasing.

    Also wear short shorts, ya know what I mean.

    The first thing that I always look at is the b***s, then the legs. Honest truth.

  4. greet him at the door with a big smile and your birthday suit on!

  5. Just wear something sheek like a not to revealing skirt also i look at the eyes

  6. You should wear a tight tank top, and show a little b***s. This will be teasing.

    Also wear short shorts, ya know what I mean.

    The first thing that I always look at is the b***s, then the legs. Honest truth.

  7. Honey, I can't possibly help you to make a "good impression" unless I know what you mean by "GOOD".  Fess up with a few details about that!

    As to your edit, though... I'm the sort of guy who notices a woman's most striking feature first - whether it's a flattering one or *not*.  

    What do you think is the most striking *positive* thing about your looks?   Emphasize that just a *little* bit and don't draw any extra attention to other stuff - at least not as the first impression - but keep the look complete: make it all *fit* with itself.

    That sounds like a tall order... I *know*... but it's actually not that hard at all to carry off.

    The truth really is that us guys are mostly pretty dumb and impressionable at first, so it's that little while *after* you've got our attention that you need to put your best effort into.  

    Remind us that you're *far* more than just a pretty doll, far less than an unattainable godess, and far better to spend time with than either one - and you'll deserve whatever pedestal one of us builds for you, as long as that pedestal was built for the real you.  :-)

  8. When I look at a woman the first thing I

    look at is her general shape. Does she take

    care of herself ? or is she a mess.

    Then I see the other stuff like her hair, eyes,

    Teeth, and b***s.

    Just wear something that makes you look

    comfortable, s**y and shows that you have

    respect for yourself.

    Take care.

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