
Guys/girls, your opinion pls?

by Guest59014  |  earlier

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last month my bf was admitting that he's having his 2nd gf. One reason why he chose that girl is because - we rarely meet. we're so busy with our life but come on, if he can't stand, we won't be almost two years!

now when i looked at his picture,holding hand with that girl, that girls seems so nice, i feel like 'oh my god, he's the man that i want to build my home with?' im soo sad, whenever i see the pictures i'll be having nervous breakdown. YES! i dont want to look at it but i dont know why I HAVE TO look at it :((

when i asked him 'just say if you dont need me anymore, please?'

he answered 'lalalala, you go to sleep'

i was like ohh please man! please i want to hear it from your mouth that u dont need me anymore!

i know, he and his new gf are always fighting like twice a weel(he told me)

i give my loyalty to him and he dumped me just like that?!?!

im not sad, im just SHOCKED, the one who i trust before is an EVIL.!!!

they're holding hands together,that girl feels the warm of his hand,urghhhh!!! make me crazy!




  1. I know how you feel my last boyfriend and i dated for two years and i still have yet to move on and even the thought of him hanging out or flirting with another girl makes me get nauseous and freak. I can't explain why we feel like this, i can only imagine it was because we cared so much. However I know this is hard but you just have to try and remember that if it is meant to be it will find a way. And that if you two arent meant to be god only has someone soo much better planned for you that will make you so much happier, i'm sorry you feel this way i know first hand how hard it is.

  2. someone's jealous you need to move on, and throw away the pictures

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