
Guys i really need some help????

by  |  earlier

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At school all of my friends make jokes about guys and their, well their sizes. and at one stage they got on to a fact that a guys foot is the same size as there erect p***s. or somthing like that.

i just would like to know if there is any relation in guys with their feet and their p***s???

thanks ............




  1. Nope.  No relation whatsoever.  Q: You know what they say about a guy with big feet?  A:  Yeah ... he wears big shoes.  

    It is an urban legend.  A myth.  Nothing to be taken seriously.

  2. No relation what so ever. However.. one correlation that was suggested was the length from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist. Only problem is that when guys measure...there is some discrepency of a few inches as to where the wrist actually begins. Its pretty close though usually.  

  3. Mine is the same size in inches as 1/2 of my shoe size.  Also, same as middle finger down to wrist, then subtract 2 1/2 inches.

  4. I second that. Urban myth. your size does not have any relation to any part of your body. At all. so its pretty much just genetic programming!  lol

  5. noooooooooooooooo


  6. their shoe size minus two

    is the number in inches.

    but thats just a myth,.

    i mean its probably true for some guys, but not all.  

  7. Your friends are dumb because many women say they dislike a big size because the guy doesn't care about skill where a person with average or small size will learn the skills of pleasuring a woman.

    No, there is no proof big feet equals a big p***s.

  8. nope!

  9. no truth to that at all

  10. no relationship between those stories

  11. No.  

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