
Guys only!!or girls 2?

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if a girl is short < meaning me> does tht still mean she can be hot ? or you only like the tall girls?

am 15

and do u like blonde or brunttes better and do you think blue or brown eyes are prettyer? and ps am skinny am about 4 11 and wiegh 85 pounds




  1. I think it boils down to your personaility.

    If you have a relationship simply built on physical attraction its not going to be a Romeo and Juliet thing.  

  2. I&#039;m a female but i like girls too dont mean that I&#039;m bi,..

    I&#039;m a sucker of brunette with a light bright eyes looks wicked,

    i also like stunning slim figure with a fine butt, firm round bust, with a great legs, a pretty face, with a full sensual lips of course concealing a fun flirtatious smile, luxurious long brunette hair,.. doesn&#039;t have to be tall, average height are cool!

  3. sure it doesnt matter

    help me?   THANKS.   !!

  4. i&#039;ve known some hot girls that are short yeah.

  5. I&#039;m 13 and I&#039;m short for my age, and ive been called hot a lot of times.

    its not true that guys only like tall girls, so don&#039;t think there is anything wrong with being short.

    good things come in small packages.

    also, the colour of your eyes and hair don&#039;t matter.

    I&#039;m sure you&#039;re beautiful the way you are and I&#039;m sure lots of guys find you attractive.

  6. i have a cousin that is 17 and pregnant and she is short  

  7. 4&#039; 11&quot; is pretty short but unless the guy is ridiculously shallow  its not a big deal. Heck some guys even like shorter girls better :) as for the rest of your question, personally I like brunettes with brown eyes but hey that&#039;s just me.

  8. trust me there are alot of guys who go for petite girls so no need to worry, u can be hot n short at the same time. remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  9. my sister is 20 and she is really short.

    She is concidered hot

  10. uhm yes. I seen girls around 5&#039;1 or 5&#039;2 and they are very hot. 4&#039;11 is kinda short. Wear shoes that will make you reach 5&#039;1 atleast, it will help!
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