
Gymnastics Question???

by  |  earlier

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OK, I just signed up for some gymnastics classes.

I'm a 14 year old boy.

I have never done gymnastics before.

I had to do an "evaluation" to find out what level I am.

So this guy had me do like a cartwheel and some other stuff.

And then he said I was level 4-6, and he put me in a class.

So, what is level 4-6? Is that good?

What kind of stuff will I be doing?




  1. Did he make you do a bridge kickover and a handstand?

  2. Don't listen to Lori we have to practice bridge kickovers. I was in your situation not too long ago. Since you're older it will be way easier to pick up things than the little kids. You'll probably start in a once a week class and then, when you're ready, join the team. It's a lot of hard work, but it's also a lot of fun don't give up and I hope your hands survive!

  3. lol i find this very interesting but yea that is good. im jus gonna say that you'll be in for some very hard work. congrats!!!! = ]  (your better than i am lol = ] )

  4. Hey guys dont usually do bridge kickover but anyway... yeah level 4-6 is good... that is the beginner competition level... good job... I dont really know what kind of stuff they will do in your class though...

  5. 4-6 are cumpulsery levels. There is a pretty big jump form 4- 6 though. I'd put u in a pre-team for starters.
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