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  1. To date, 3 times.

  2. well, i haven't really but it wood be cool to........ BOO!

  3. If there is clarity in the description, then it can't be from the 'other side'.

  4. If you want extensive, vivid descriptions of visits by live human beings to 'the other side' you might do better by reading the accounts of some people who've written about it:

    Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond

    Albert Taylor

    Despite Taylor's background as a NASA engineer, Soul Traveler is far from a technical manual.

    From Publishers Weekly:

    It's hard to simply dismiss an aeronautical engineer who spent two decades with the NASA space program when he writes of his extensive paranormal experiences.

    After intermittently entering a "paralysis state" (beginning at age four) in which he can hear and see but not move, Taylor claims to have realized over the years that this state is "the personal doorway to the ultimate truth." From there, Taylor has moved on to lucid dreaming, where he can control and change his mind's wanderings and perform gravity-defying feats like flying.

    He coined the term "soul traveler" to explain these out-of-body experiences, proposing that when the body falls asleep, "the soul mind comes to the forefront of consciousness." He tracks these phenomena in journal entries that document his increasing abilities, peppering his account with references to the literature on the paranormal and with speculation on the religious import of his travels.

    Self-published in 1996, this slim book has managed to vault itself onto the shelves, but those flipping through and coming upon its "Arcs of Spiritual Evolution" or "Preflight Preparations" will be unlikely to take it further.  

    You might also want to look into books by Robert Monroe.  A websearch will turn up a number of them.  He founded the Monroe Institute a few decades ago to research such experiences.

    I'm also including links to articles on NDE and OBE.  Maybe they'll offer you what you need so's you don't have to visit your library.

  5. I went through h**l, and made it out without a shovel... does that count!

  6. Yes I have, and the peace and love you feel their is not describable in any language.  But I will say this,,Love is all that matters and how we treat each other.  And no matter what orientation, s*x, age, religion you are, etc.  Love is the answer to it all.

  7. I was in a large field the wind was blowing in the grass and there was an old woooden fence there where little fat men chanting all around me "jump the fence,,,, jumpe the fence.." when i hopped over the fence i had a choice to go left or right. agian i looked to the little fat men for guidance.... but they where gone. To the left was a black gate and to the right was a white gate, i started heading right towards the white gate.... but i never made it.... I woke up but there was another short man with a glowing golden face and he to was chanting but it was in a language i could not understand, he was waving his hands over me like he was casting a spell...... chaning in his wierd dialect, when he noticed i was awake he began to dissapear and re appear in various parts of the room.... until he never reapeared. I got up and ran out of the small apartment crying and perplexed....... I like to be in the open.

    I know this is profound but remember..... Its true and could happen to you.!

  8. Yes, I have, and it's plaid, oddly enough.

  9. My dad did. He was having open heart/by-pass surgery and once he woke-up, he told us that he saw a white light and that he saw his grandmother. He then said that he feels she's the one who helped him get through the very serious operation OK. He's very spiritual. :)

  10. nope

  11. no but I did die fr a minute and they broguth me back

  12. yes i have it is undescribable  there is such peace.

  13. no...0_o

  14. no i have not but my dog did

  15. I have drifted into the Astral Plan, but was forced back by excitement as well as fear

  16. Listen to this podcast:

    It's the most serious treatment I've come across when it comes to NDEs.

    Oh, and no, I have not seen "the other side", assuming there is one.

  17. No, but it would be very interesting to.

  18. No, I haven't...but think I got life passing before me very quickly.

    PD...Enjoyed the podcast! I love kaleidoscopes!! It was hard to get into & I almost gave up on it. I didn't listen to the very end..but about 12 min. of it. Think I'll save it till I ..or someone else..needs it...then give it to the dr..Really gave me something to think about! Thanks!

    Edit...Hope everybody will try to listen to the pd's podcast. It's something we all need to be aware of!

  19. No, I haven't.

  20. No, I haven't but have read books about it. Two awesome ones to read are LIfe After Death and Saved by the Light, both by Dannion Brinkley. I read them about 20 years ago. I think I shall read them again. They are very inspiring. Good Luck with your quest.

  21. I've never had an 'Expiriance', so I cannot respond.

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