
HD Help???????????

by  |  earlier

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I want to connect a ps3 to a HD ready tv with the RED GREEN BLUE component cables. The other end of the cable is a DVI thingy. How do i do this? Do i need an adapter? If i use this cable do i still need to use the normal cable for the picture aswell?




  1. all you need is an HDMI cable not a red green and blue componet, that won't give you an HD picture.....Go buy an HDMI cable

  2. The component cable WILL give you an HD picture. all you need to do is plug in the red green and blue cables in your tv and next to the slot should be a red slot and a yellow slot, plug in the audio cables there. The other end goes in your ps3, they must be cables made for the ps3. heres a link to some . You can get a picture up to 1080i. HDMI cables are easier you should get one. HDMI cables are more expensive but worth it. any HDMI cable will work with the ps3. they are usually $40-$100 depending on the quality.

    DVI is for computers so u will need an adapter for it to work on the ps3

  3. High Definition Multimedia Interface
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