
HD tv do i need to?

by  |  earlier

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i have just bought i HD tv and i am wondering if i buy HD-dvd's do i need to buy a HD dvd player




  1. yes u do

  2. See the above and below answers.

  3. Yes you do need a HD dvd player and if you want to watch sky in HD then you will require a Sky HD set  just because your set is HD that only means that you can watch in HD if all other items are HD DVD SKY however some game systems will allow you to play in HD if they are quite new

  4. Yeah, you have to buy either Sony Blu-Ray or Toshhiba HD DVD player... Warner recently announced that they are going to publish movies in Sony format only, so HD DVD player probably not the best thing to buy... I've heard that p**n HD available in HD DVD only, but I'm not sure if it's true.
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