
HELP! Being induced on Sunday...?

by  |  earlier

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So I am at -1 station, 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I will be induced on Sunday unless I can get labor going. Any ideas? I have done s*x, castor oil, walking, yoga ball, car rides...PLEASE.

Also...should I be worried? Will it hurt very bad if I am induced? This is my 3rd child...any ideas?




  1. I was induced for both of my pregnancies. It doesn't hurt, they just sort of help along the process by breaking your water and giving you Pitocin through IV to increase contractions and help you dilate. I guess my babies didn't want to come out of their warm home. It's nothing to be worried about, and I also tried everything trying to get myself to go into labor.  

  2. Well when I was induced the contraction were EXTREMELY painful. Im not trying to scare you, but its the truth. I tried all those kinda things too. Even nipple rubbing. Sometimes, thats how things happen. Anyways I ended up with a c section.

  3. Sounds like you have tried all the best ones try pineapple (fresh) is supposed to help ???  Not sure about the whole inducing process, with my son i started laboour very slowly and they used a drip and did break my waters ( not pleasent but with most people find this will make things happen faster.  Hope all goes well

  4. My friend went into labor when her husband gave her a titty twister - he'd heard it worked and then jokingly did it to her (I know I would have slapped him across the face if it was me)...but it sent her right into labor. So if you're brave enough you could try that!! Good luck.

    I was induced at 2 wasn't painful (any more so than if I wasn't induced). I kind of preferred it.

    Oh actually - I will tell you: When the dr. broke my water....oh wow- one of the most painful experiances I've ever gone through.

  5. Can you get to a herbalist? There are a number of herbs that can help labour along. If not, raspberry leaf tea from the health food store is safe and might help to get you going. Make it quite strong, 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

  6. well my answer is to part of your question, it will hurt your stomach very badly while your giving birth, good luck!!!!!!!!!

  7. no it does not hurt when they induce you. but the contractions will hurt really bad soon after the doctor breaks your water. good luck!

  8. Walking helped me.  I had my first 2 naturally, and my third was induced.  I would much rather have a baby naturally,  the pain wasn't as bad.  It may not affect you like it did me, so don't worry.  God bless.

  9. I got really angry and was about to kill my husband is how I went into labor.  

  10. Are you 42 weeks yet? If not I would ask the doc to wait it out until then....

    I've heard inductions hurt much worse and heightens your chance of an unnecessary C-section. The Pitocin they give you..the false hormones cause chaotic contractions.....usually your uterus contracts from top to bottom to "push" the baby down.....contractions from Pitocin cause the uterus to contract ALL over...and can be very stressful on the baby. I would only get induced if I was going to be past 42 weeks...

    But that's just me! I'm sure if you are planning to get the epidural you will be fine though...

  11. I did the dame and nothing worked!! I ended up getting induced at 40 weeks and 6 days due to high blood pressure and low amniotic fluid. Don't be worried being induced isn't as bad as everyone says only problem is you will be hooked up to monitors the whole time. Good luck hun!!

  12. i was induced with my 2nd kid, it hurt really bad just because my cervix was WAY high, but it went fast, definately get the epidural

    try taking warm baths

  13. The only thing I can suggest is keep up on the walking.  I was induced with my first but all's the doctor had to do was put some gel on the cervix and break my water and it started labor, it did not hurt at all.  Good luck.

  14. i have 3 kids my 2nd child i delivered with umm was induced and it was terrible pains come on strong and stay strong it hurt really bad..i don't advise you get induced...seriously i ended up having to have him naturally...bc they induced me so much meaning instead of slowly working me in it...they gave me a higher dose so i started to contract within the first 15 mins of receiving the meds...and it went so fast it seem so by time they check me 6 hours later i was 9 centimeters too late for i refuse to get induce ever was horrible not trying to scare you but seriously do something walkkkk or tell doctor you just rather wait till baby comes...

  15. Inducing doesn't hurt.  A lot of doctors use that term and all they are referring to is breaking your water, which I had done with both of my kids.  To me it was a blessing going in on a scheduled day because I live 40 miles away from the hospital I chose, and I knew that I would have to worry about getting to the doctor in time, especially since my daughter came in 1 hour after they broke my water.  Since you're close to your due date anyway, just a warmer than normal bath or shower, but not too hot that you'll harm the baby.  I also loved sitting in a rocking chair.  I know it sounds like it wouldn't work, but sitting and rocking for some reason makes the baby start going through the birth canal and gets things going.  GOOD LUCK :) and Congrats!!!

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