
HELP!!! COnvince PArents!!!?

by Guest64802  |  earlier

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help i need to convince my dad to let me go out with my friends to the city, its not far away. 10minutes by train. im turning 15 in 4months.




  1. He is very worried for you because it seems that he doesn't know the people you are hanging with, let your dad meet your friends in case of everything, it is very important so that he can help you if something goes wrong. In these times surroundings are not as safe as they used to be and this is the reason why it is so important for your dad to meet your friends, also tell him where are you going to be so he knows and will think better if giving you permission or not.

  2. did you already ask him and he said no?

    ok well if you did be like dad im going to be 15 in four months dont you trust me enough to let me go out ? im not gonna talk  to random strangers so why cant i go its only 10 minutes by train and my friends are gonna be there. ill have my cell on and you can call me whenever you want to check up on me. can i please go?

  3. Have you asked yet? Has he said no?  If he says no, he must have a reason.  First, consider whether that reason might be a good one.  You haven't said which city you want to go to or how safe it is.  You haven't said whether you've made this trip before, how long you will stay in the city, or what you will be doing when you're there. You didn't say how much it will cost.   If you still think you can go, these are some things you should be ready to reassure your parents about:

    1. The train trip and the area of the city where you will be are safe for unsupervised teens.

    2. You have a plan for a specific activity or place to go, and you won't just be hanging out.

    3. You can be trusted to do exactly what you say you're doing.

    4. Your friends can be trusted, and their parents have approved the trip.

    5. You will come back the same day, preferably before it gets too late.

    6. You know where you're going - which train to get on, where to go in the city, and how to get back home.  You'll be where you said you'd be.

    7. You will stay in touch by phone during the course of the day.

    8. You have enough money to make the trip and handle an emergency or travel problem.

    I don't know whether I would say yes, even if you convinced me of all of the above.  It depends on the city.

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