
HELP! College for Homeschooler!?

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I was homeschooled and have completed highschool.

I now would love to enroll in an online College to become a nutritionist.

How do I do that? I don't have the typical highschool diploma.

The plan never was for me to go to College since I was going to work in the family business, but I want a degree anyway, however now I am pretty clueless as to how to go about it.

I would LOVE any help!

Thank you so much!





  1. You get in to college the same way everyone else does. You apply. Thousands of homeschoolers without diplomas or GEDs go to even the most selective universities. If you know what school you want to attend, look up their website and find out what their requirements for homeschoolers are. You may have to take the SAT or ACT and show them a written transcript, or list of the subjects you studied in high school and how you did in each of them. Just do some research.

  2. Most colleges accept homeschoolers based on their SAT scores, their parent issued diplomas, and parent issued transcripts, however a few require a GED from homeschoolers.

    From my investigations I have found that on-line colleges are more likely to require a GED, while regular Community Colleges and Universities usually don't.

    Basically, you need to contact the college and find out what they require, then try to meet that requirement.  The GED test is not that difficult if they insist on it.

  3. You may have to format a transcript for yourself, but no college is going to ask to see your diploma.  I've been out of school for over 15 years, been through college and held a professional license, and no one has asked to see my diploma.  An online college probably won't even ask to see your transcript - you just enroll and send them your money, and they send you the coursework.

    I enrolled a few years ago in a medical transcriptionist program through an online college, and they didn't ask me *anything* about my previous education.  They just asked for my info and my credit card, and sent me the curriculum.  When I sent it back, they graded me.  Easy peasy :-)

    Edit - mommyof4, that would be what a transcript is used for.  I did need my transcript for college (though it wasn't online), but they never once asked to see my diploma.  They are two completely different things.  I don't know anyone who has ever had to actually *show* a diploma - they just put down where they graduated from and when.  If the college or business needs further confirmation, they contact the school to *get a transcript*.

  4. It would more than likely be helpful to sit your SATs

    However that being said every single college has a way for non-highschool grads to apply.  Which isn't technically you but that is at least one route.  However with the prevalence of homeschooling I would be deeply surprised if they didn't have a separate application process.

    Find the school(s) you want to attend and call/e-mail/drop in and talk to the admissions office

    *lol* I'm a non-highschool grad with a college degree.  Its pretty easy.  I had to take a math and english exam *yawn*.  A 5 year old could have done it.

  5. When my daughter (now 16) was 13 I registered her for an online University Certificate course. (Equine Science Certificate) The application said that without a valid high school diploma she might be required to pass an English exam, but they never asked her to write one. You can go to college websites with on-line learning and check requirements for those who have no transcript. Failing that almost every school will take someone who has been out of school for 3 years, which technically applies to homeschoolers.

  6. What the above person stated about not having to prove you have a transcript or diploma is not true for accredited schools. You MUST show proof that you graduated High School or received a GED to attend an ACCREDITED University. A great school to look at is Though I must say if you have always been homeschooled you would be better off going to a campus to learn, you need to learn how to work with people at some point in your life!

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