
HELP!!!! I need to prove this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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How do you prove this:

(-1)^n ∫ [-1, 1] (x² - 1)^n dx = [(2^(2n + 1))(n!)²]/(2n + 1)!

Please help me. I've tried doing it by induction but I have gotten anywhere.





  1. Take a breath and calm down!!!! You'll have it proven!!!!

    (-1)^n ∫ [-1, 1] (x² - 1)^n dx = ∫ [-1, 1] (1 - x²)^n dx =

    /even function/

    = 2 * ∫ [0, 1] (1 - x²)^n dx =

    /now take x = sin t, dx = cos t dt, x=0 → t=0, x=1 → t=π/2/

    = 2 * ∫ [0, π/2] (cos t)^(2n+1) dt

    Let I_{2n+1} = ∫ [0, π/2] (cos t)^(2n+1) dt, integrate by parts now to derive a recurrence relationship between I_{2n+1} and I_{2n-1}, allowing to bring the things down to

    I_{1} = ∫ [0, π/2] cos t dt = 1

    I_{2n+1} = ∫ [0, π/2] (cos t)^(2n) d(sin t) =

    = [(cos t)^(2n)*sin t][0, π/2] - ∫ [0, π/2] (sin t) d(cos t)^(2n) =

    = 2n * I_{2n-1} - (2n-1) * I_{2n+1},

    so the recurrence relationship is

    I_{2n+1} = (2n/(2n+1)) * I_{2n-1}

    Using it necessary number of times:

    I_{2n+1) = 2n*(2n-2)* . . *4*2 / (2n+1)(2n-1)* . . *3*1 = (2n)!!/(2n+1)!!,

    hence the answer is

    2 * (2n)!!/(2n+1)!! = 2 * ((2n)!!)² / (2n+1)! =

    = 2^(2n+1) * (n!)² / (2n+1)! as required.

  2. OK, here goes:

    First, let's write

    g(n) =  [(2^(2n + 1))(n!)²]/(2n + 1)!

    Also note that g(n) = 4n² / (2n(2n+1)) * g(n-1),

    which simplifies to

    g(n) = 2n / (2n+1) * g(n-1).

    So once you verify it for n=1, to complete the induction, you need to show the above relation.  So we integrate by parts, letting

    u = (1-x²)^n, and

    v = x.

    We get

    ∫ (1-x²)^n dx = x(1-x²)^n [-1 to 1] + 2n∫ x²(1-x²)^(n-1) dx.

    This implies

    ∫ (1-x²)^(n-1) dx = (2n+1) ∫ x²(1-x²)^(n-1) dx.

    Using induction, we get

    ∫ x²(1-x²)^(n-1) dx = g(n-1) / (2n+1).


    ∫ (1-x²)^n dx = ∫ (1-x²)^(n-1) dx - ∫ x²(1-x²)^(n-1) dx = g(n-1) - g(n-1) / (2n+1) = g(n-1) * 2n / (2n+1).


  3. you need to prove this with mathematical induction. you probably just made a mistake. try it again.

  4. wow ;(

    im lost

  5. sorry its lost me  

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