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I have been on birth control for 11 months now. My periods have been very regular. The last three months however have been very strange. 3 months ago I bled light pink for one day, 2 months ago I bled light pink for one day and then had a brown spot on my undies (sorry TMI), this month I bled for 3 days, more like a normal period but not as heavy. Also light pink-bright red. I finished on the 27th, my bbt was 97.3, on the 28th it was 97.5 and today it was 98.2. Ovulating??? So soon?? Also,last month I didn't have any EWCM,only white milky discharge and it's already started for this month as well. A lot of white milky discharge. My cervix is low and hard but sometimes moves up and becomes soft, like it would be low now and then few hours later it would be high. I have gained about 4 pounds in 2 days with no extra eating or anything. I have BRIGHT BLUE VEINS EVERYWHERE which I never noticed like this before. My b***s don't hurt, nothing. Have taken several hpt's,some negative,some very very faint positive, and then negative again. I am craving "sparkles" and hot chocolate and pepsi light! Don't want to go to dr again coz I have been there several times and tests keep coming back negative. If I'm pregnant I would really like to know coz I smoke a lot and would like to stop if I am. But I don't know, can being on birth control affect your hcg levels in some way? or the result of the hpts? Has anyone been pregnant without knowing? Please no rude/sarcastic answers please. Ladies I really could use ALL the help you can give. THANKS A MILL!!! X X X (Sorry for the lOOOONg question lol) oh, also, my husband's 3year old from his previous relationship said I'm gonna be a mommy (about 2 months ago).If this were the case, wouldn't I be knowing by now??? And his cat has been following me around for the past couple of months watching every move I make. I eat much more than I used to be able to,I'm petite,don't usually eat much. Now I can eat two hamburgers at one time and not be as full as usual!!! I'm extremely tired, very moody (lash out at hubby and then cry my eyes out), but that's about it. I hate not knowing so anyone know of anyone who's been pregnant without knowing or who's been pregnant herself without knowing please speak up. thanx!!!! Again,sorry for the lenght and thanks for reading!!!




  1. First off the pill can make you feel very pregnant. When was the last time you were to the doctor. You should go just to figure out what is going on and have them do a ultrasound. I don't think you are pregnant, I think you are having trouble getting use to your pills. If you really just think you are then treat your body like you are. No smoking, take a daily prenatal vitamin and eat right. I really hope this helps.  

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