
HELP ME <span title="PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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k so there is this heka cute boy but he has no clue i exist and i can not ask him out im way to scared WHAT DO I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Alright well the first think you should do is figure out why you like him. It may sound stupid but if you find out why you like him early on there&#039;s a better chance your relationship will last longer. After you find out why you like him then thats when you must begin the process of getting to know him and become his friend. You have two things you need to notice first. If he already plans on asking you not then you do not need to do all of these steps but if he isn&#039;t planning on asking you out then you need to get to know him better, become his friend and get him to like you which may take some time. The first steps you need to take is look attractive. Take a shower every day you possibly can and fix your hair to get the guys attention. You can put it in a ponytail or you can straighten it or whatever you feel fits you best to get the guys attention.

    Clothing is also very important. Try to find out what kind of clothing he seems to like best and keep that in mind the next time you shop. Don&#039;t completely go overboard and make yourself something you&#039;re not. Stay true to yourself but just make small changes to your wardrobe to get that guys attention and keep it. Once you get attention don&#039;t be afraid to talk to him. Speak whatever is on your mind but that&#039;s reasonable. Once you start getting his attention and talking to him make eye contact. Don&#039;t look to the floor or someone else, look directly in his eyes when he is talking.  After you get him to talk to you then you need to follow the simple steps that it takes for a guy to completly fall for you. I&#039;ve added four sites to help you through this. The first site is to make a guy talk to you. The second is to make a guy want to date you. The third one is to make a guy like you for pre-teens since I don&#039;t know your age. The fourth site is once the guys is your friend to make him want to date you. But most importantly if he still doesn&#039;t notice you after all these things he may not be worth your attention. Thats why you need to figure out why you want to date him. If it&#039;s just for s*x purposes its probably not true love. Once you find a good reason to date him then you can continue one. Most importantly, don&#039;t worry so much about a relationship. Enjoy your youth years because they are the best one&#039;s you&#039;ll have. Don&#039;t let a guy ruin it for you. If you need further help feel free to contact me. Good luck.

  2. Try to talk to him in as much confidence as you can!! I understand how you feel my dear :)

  3. Hi Haley,

      Don&#039;t be scared just walk up and say Hi and then start talking about how the weather has been so hot and see how it gos,if it gos very well ask him if he would like to go to a movie with you on Saturday night.

      You would be surprised in how many guys will go out with a girl when you ask him out.Doesn&#039;t hurt to try My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  4. can you give us more clues on everything, like are you in high school? how do you know him? from work? lives by you? do you have mutual friends together? is he super popular and you are very shy?

  5. get to no him then make your move lol

  6. You walk up to him.

    Say hello, introduce yourself.

    =) You&#039;ll never know him if you don&#039;t try

    to get to know him. Tell him you like his

    shirt or something random, he&#039;s a guy

    so he can&#039;t be scared with randomness.

    He&#039;ll love the fact you noticed him and

    even took the time to go talk to him.

    - Hex

  7. My friend,

    You should get yourself introduced, if you have common friends, you should get their help to introduce you.

    If not, you&#039;ve got to somehow find the courage to drop him a note or to email/text him.

    sad to say it&#039;s not easy to get someone to like you.

    you can only do these 2 easily:

    1. make yourself more likeable.

    2. or make someone who already likes you like you more

    generally any of the following can be considered attractive:

    1. kindness

    2. talent

    3. generosity

    4. humour

    5. intelligence

    6. wisdom

    7. charisma

    8. uniquness

    time and chance will bring a guy that you like and likes you back. be confident and be patient. in the meantime think about what type of guys you like and will really suit your personality (as you age it will get clearer).

    good luck!

  8. It&#039;s normal to be scared

    but being scared will not solve problems

    so be bold ask him politely

    If you ask him honestly and politely he can&#039;t say no

  9. get to kno him

    help me;...;...

  10. dont worry about it

    try to start a conversation

    or just say hi to him every other day

  11. Have some people talk to him, have them mention your name. If he says anything about you he might now you exist. If not have them tell him about you.

    You never know he might feel the same about you.

    Other than that, just try it. You never know! Something good might happen.

    I know how it is. Im really shy. And i always have that problem. But you only live once right!!?

    Do it, or keep praying that something might happen about you two. Either good, or bad. If bad, im sorry D: but i know thers alot of cute other guys out ther, you can still look.

    Right now I really like this cuute guy! But we hardly ever talk. I want to talk to him more, but he has all these other girls on him, and i just think he might find one outta them, so I kinda try to back off a little bit, and let him find the right one, and if its me then thats good!


  12. only love him if you have the guts too...

    I know girls that had crushes on me in highskool, but they never made a move n I was too scared to ask em...looking back I kinda regret it, so i suggest you ask him out or something or just talk to him...

    good luck

  13. just admire him from afar and hope he notices you. if not, then you&#039;re not his type.  

  14. im sure he knows u exist just be strait up with him...h**l like that

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