
HELP!!? My bunnie! ??

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what is the best way to disipline a bunnie when they bite you?!?

Please, I want something that will work and teach her gthats its not right. I tryed tapping her nose everytime she bit me but it hasent worked.

Serious ANSWERS!! please!!





  1. I used to have a rabbit. They do bite and it's something you'll just have to get used to. That's what's called "finger food". Ha Ha

    Your bunny just wants to find out if what your putting in front of it is edible.  

  2. Try washing your hands. Getting the rabbit fixed, or put a tp roll in front of you when you think its gonna bite.

  3. my bun nips my ankles when i go near her food cupboard, or when she is trying to 'serenade' my arms or legs!!!!  is she spayed? this could help behaviour!

  4. Rabbits usually only bite when they are afraid or territorial (like you reaching in the cage to grab her).  This isn't something you can punish, it just takes more socialization or letting her come out of the cage before you approach her.

    Getting her spayed will help a lot with aggressive behavior, too.

  5. Bunnies are hard companion animals to train not to do things. Their cognitive process is not as complex as dogs or cats, thus training them is quite difficult unless you take him/her to a professional.

    I honestly don't think you'll be able to. The best option is not to give your bunny the chance to bite you! Sorry!

  6. When it's play time with your bunny, try spraying some bitter apple spray on your hands. It will leave a bad taste in their mouth and it's completely harmless to them.  Eventually she will learn when she's had enough foul tasting stuff in her mouth.  

  7. Is she nibbling you or actually biting you?

    A nibble is a sign of affection.

    A bite is another stroy: you could be hurting her, she may be scared and trying to defend herself, she may be territorial if she hasn't been spayed yet, or she may just be a brat.

    A sharp "NO" followed by ignoring/turning your back to the rabbit will get the message across.  Rabbits are social animals and have their own set of "manners."  Poor behavior is punished by ignoring the offender until they apologize (rabbit will nudge you gently, and may even try to groom you.)

    Never, ever strike a rabbit.  They don't understand WHY you hit them.

  8. There are some tips here

    You have to discern why she is biting. Is she spayed? Are you invading her territory?
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