
HELP!!! My cat just ate.....?

by  |  earlier

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My cat just ate a plastic wrapper! It was a peel off an envelope, like the kind that you stick so you don't have to l**k it shut. What do I do? Will he be ok? I am really worried and my husband is at work and I can't get a hold of him!




  1. I feel you should take him for a check-up.But if you can't catch him,then forget it.Wait for the symptoms to arise.Maybe nothing is really wrong.I mean,look at the above answers.If ribbons only make p**p colourful,then i guess nothing's wrong in this.But please keep him away from tiny plastic things that can be eaten,plastic is no staple diet for a cat.Take care!

  2. If it is not choking just keep an eye on it. Go ahead and get the emergency number for the vet jic. The cat will probably be fine.

  3. I'd call a vet to ask what the dangers are.  If you wait, he could throw it up and then there's no problem.  But, if it goes thorough his digestive system, he can either p**p it out or it can get stuck in his intestines and clog things up.  I know that's not helpful to you really because I've not really given you any advice.  I only had to say what's on my mind.  I know cats eat crazy things and usually all is well.  I'm surprised, actually, that he actually ate it and swallowed it.  I'd look around some more.  It's possible that it blew away into the air and landed somewhere when he was playing with it in an attempt to eat it.  Maybe he didn't eat it at all.

  4. just hope it passes through the other end

  5. don't worry..

    i think ur cat will be ok as long as the plastik wrapper are not big enough to make it sick when he ate it..

  6. Calm down fisrt. He should be just fine. he will probably act funny b/c he will be digesting plastic, but it will just come out in his littler box with in the next few days. my cat gets ahold of ribbons and eats them, and they just make her poo colorfull, but she's fine.

    Leave your cat be, dont chase him about trying to get ahold of him, he will be fine.^^

    Tho, if he shows really troublesom signs, it might be stuck, if he hacks, or coughs alot, or somethign similar, call the vet to see wat to do, and/or if it need to be remeoved,

    But dont worry too much.

  7. make sure the cat doesnt start coughing or anything..

    i would take it to the vet as soon as possible so they can remove it. cats cannot digest plastic and most the time it gets stuck in the throat

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