
HELP!!!! Newspaper carrier problem?

by  |  earlier

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I deliver newspapers and the flyers are left on my curb and today was garbage day and I didn't bring them in and the fliers but the were GONE!!! this morning but the newspapers arrived later so they're still I need your help what should I do just deliver them because the newspaper company doesn't really check if I do them right but the neighbor hood will eventually see there's something wrong (because they're usually a lot of fliers on friday) or tell them and risk getting in alot of trouble if there's anything else I can do please tell me




  1. Deliver the, If youre caught for not delivering them, you'll get into trouble. Just do your  job. I haven't got my newspaper for the past month by the way :P

  2. You should not go to your neighbors about the snafu. That will only make things worse: You will find it harder and harder to please them, until you quit or drown in a sea of troubles.

    But if you do nothing, the neighbors that even notice this missing flyer (most are worried night and day about their children, not the paper), those who notice, so what? It is not unusual at all for flyers with ads and coupons and stuff to be left out of the paper.

    You're making a tempest in a teapot. It is nothing. Not an issue. Don't worry needlessly.

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