
HELP ON Animal Farm?

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PLEASE answer this is at least a page in answer. On the surface Animal Farm is a simple fable, but Orwell’s purpose is much more serious than it would seem at first glance. Discuss how Orwell tries to avert disaster through his allegory.




  1. Animal Farm is a DIRECT allegory to the Russian Revolution. If you knew anything about that very important event in history, then you wouldn't have to ask others to write your homework for you, dear.

    He is just showing us the manner in which the Soviet Union's communism collapsed.  

  2. So, I'm not going to get into too much detail on this, but draw on the fact that Orwell was pointing out there is no such thing as a perfect society where everyone is equal.

    When the animals first took over the farm, they had a democracy thing going, with everyone helping each other. Eventually, however, some of the animals starting believing they deserved more, and began to dress and act- and eventually turn into humans.

    It also has to do with Communism and the Red Scare for sure, but other people have explained that here.

  3. go to spark notes...all the answers are there

  4. He was warning against becoming friends with the Russians - see the interactions of outside farmers and their effects on the animals, although the most obvious allegory was the card game right at the end that ended in a fight.

    There is also the obvious warnings of the dangerous of communism, but that was a given. I'm not even particularly sure what other fable could be foung in Animal farm except "power corrupts" (pigs).

  5. I have not read Animal Farm, but there are a number of online study guides, and quite a few other resources on the web that can help you with this question.  Most of them have quite a bit of good information.  Additionally, many questions have been asked about it here on Yahoo Answers so do a search for it in the Y!A search window and you will get more help.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.

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