
HELP PLEASE............!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I got married whe i was 20 to a guy i had been with since i was 16, i left him when 1 was 23 (2 year ago).. i have since met someone else and had a baby girl with him. My divorce will be final when i sign and send back the final papers i have recieved, the only thing is, i cant stop thinking about my husband and whether i made a mistake leaving him.. i know he would take me back even if i have had a baby with someone else. Only thing is, i do love my current partner ALOT an dont really wanna break our new family up. I do still love my husband alot too though and i am soooo confused about what to do.. i havnt signed the papers yet.. what should i do..???




  1. Sign the freaking papers already.

    Don't you think it is a bit late to start wondering if you made the right decision.

    Quit s******g around and cut this guy loose.

    YOU were the one who broke up, understand that he would still take you back even though you were banging another guy while still married.

    Why don't you do this guy who married you a favor and sign the paper so he can move on.

    You obviously have absolutely no idea how to treat people.

    Confused, no more likely just another thoughtless user.

    All the men in your life are so so lucky to have loved you.

    Grow the h**l up.

  2. Sign the papers ... you've come this far for a reason! Try to remember why you split in the first place. It wasn't just for the h**l of it, there was a problem that was unresolvable. You two apparently weren't meant for eachother. If you are happy now with a beautiful family, why would you consider leaving that? You may still love your (soon to be) ex-husband, but are you actually "in love" with him?

  3. Sign the papers. That is history. Whatever your need to STOP after you sign and think about WHO you are. Keep communications open with your EX....but be aware that you are needing some professional help to deal with all of this. Good Luck and God bless!

  4. there is a reason why you left think about that. also the feels you have are old you are dealing with the paperwork and thinking of the past. 9 out of ten time going back to a relationship isn't worth it. and plus that only happens in the movies, and i don't think it is fair to your daughter tor the man you are with to ripe a family apart, for some old boyfriend, that is why he is old becasue it didn't work  

  5. You sound very unsure and that is not healthy for those children!

    You've got some more growing up to do since you do not realize how much drama you are stirring up with the ex, the b/f, and the kids!!!

    You may want to seek counseling to try to understand all this!

  6. Darlin', this is a question only you can answer.  It's obvious to me that there were reasons you left your ex, otherwise, you'd still be with him instead of moving on and creating a new life with another.  Maybe you need to reevaluate your situation, but in the end, it's a decision only you can make.

    God bless you, Darlin', whatever your decision.

  7. Start drinking heavily!

  8. I think you need to get yourself into check as quickly as possible and determine what you can live with and what or who you can live without.

    You have a new baby and this baby is going to be affected by whatever it is that you do. No one on here can tell you who you love or what you feel, or what is best for you. Before you act on anything though, you need to make sure this is what you want and make it a permanent thing instead of jumping back and forth.

  9. There's a reason you have had the paperwork and haven't signed. You want to go back to your husband

  10. how about being happy with yourself first.  you have made lots of mistakes already.  going from one relationship to another without giving any thoughts.  now you have regrets????  how about closing the legs for a while.  get to know yourself first.

  11. Sign the papers - he is no longer yours - you have a child to consider who's father you love.  Quit thinking about the ex and concentrate on your family.

  12. First, Grow up and live your life more honorably. What a mess you have weaved because you cannot finish one relationship before starting two others. A boyfriend and a child? You need to progress from where you are and not destroy a child's chance to have a mom and Dad...presence is time to think about her and not your so called whimsical desires. Leave your ex to get a life for himself that can be happy. You had a chance with him and it failed...what makes you think it will be any different. Sorry, but you asked the question.  

  13. Make up your mind and roll with it. Just reverse the problem and see how well it sits with you. How would you feel

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