ok i have a rash and im pretty sure it's poison ivy because i was doing a service project pulling weeds out of a research garden. my sister and law and two of my friends who were also there have it too. this was on wednesday the 6th. on tuesday the 12th, me and my sister in law started getting a rash. mine seemed to be gettin better on saturday, the 16th, and then on sunday it seemed like it was appearing in new places. by monday night my left leg had a lot more. and the rash that i had since the beginning on the back of my thigh got a lot worse... is this normal? everywhere online it says the reaction is anywhere from 4 hours to 4 days. mine started later than 4 days after contact. and the new one on my leg started about a week and a half later.. im miserable and i cant sleep at night. i dont have insurance to go get some prednisone or any prescription anti itch cream... HELP do you think this is poison ivy? or is it something else? the rash is just a bunch of lil bumps and itches like crazy. i have it on both my legs, some on my ankle, my knee, the back of my thighs, my stomach (this one appeared on monday too), my arms, my shoulder/back. im always paranoid and i think im dying (like always). the only thing keeping me sane is taht iknow other people got it too.. wut do u think?