
HELP! Please! Acting career question!?

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Hey I am an actress just starting out, I have landed a couple roles, just small stuff, but good for experince. Anyways I just got a part for a feature long movie, with some production team and drirector from LA and Las Vegas. Its a horror film, but the part I got has full nudity in it..... apparently they had a really hard time filling the part.... so I dont know..... I am really worried that this is going to bassically F*CK my career. My friend poionted out to me after I got the part, how there isn't too many actresses out there - that are main streem - that do nudity .

What my question is, is nudity really bad for an actresses career?

please help me out.... this is making me crazy!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.




  1. it depends on how you think of it to me.

    Like in the film, are you going to be naked while having s*x? i think it depends on if

    A lot of actress did nudity it depends if your doing as an art, then more of a sexual scene. Does the scene behind it some meaning to why you need to be nude?would add significance to it?

    keira Knighlety was topless in one of scenes when she was 16.

    Kate Winslet has been nude in a number of films

    Anne Hathaway was topless in brokeback mountain.

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