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Im a 28 year old female,normal weight and hight.

Every time i have a drink i get really bad hangovers,does not matter what i drink or how much. ive tryed eating pasta before i drink,tryed a pint of milk,try pints of water before and after drinking but nothing seems to work? i wake up with banging headach,most times sick untill late dinner time. ive tryed resolves,andrews,nothing works? i can not even have a good time drinking cus im thinking of the day after. please help!




  1. Well the best thing to do is be proactive. I highly suggest you take a look at this liquor live article. It worked for me:

  2. It doesn't work for everyone, but my personal remedy is cold pizza the morning after.

  3. Ive read that Drinking High quality Alcohol Drinks the less severe the Hangover will be because It has less impurities in It. I read that the best way to recover from a hangover is Drinking lots of water because alcohol dehydrates your body and eating alot of sweets because It also lowers your blood sugar levels. You can also try drinking less than usual:)

  4. Gatorade and ibprofun are life savers. Also try orange juice. The best thing to do is actually not drink.. but what fun is that?

  5. before drinking, take some pepto bismol or antacid so you digest faster and it leaves your system sooner.  and as disgusting as it sounds, for a hangover, crack a raw egg and mix it in with a 16oz. cup of cola.  it may sound pretty gnarly but it's the fastest way i've gotten over a hangover.  one twisted drink is better than having a banging headache the next day, right?

  6. I take an advil and a multi vitamin with a huge glass of water, before I go to bad and a big thing of gatoraide when I wake up.  

  7. Drink 3 cups of water before you go to bed. Also grape flavored Vitamin water that drink pretty much cures hangovers.  

  8. hangovers are caused because your body turns alcohol to sugar and your glucose level goes sky high, then when you stop drinking it crashes (kind of like an energy drink) alcohol also depleted potassium in the body. sure fire cure for a hangover


    chocolate bar.

    the banana replenishes the potassium, the chocolate will stabilize your sugar level and give you a little caffeine to get you going.
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