
(HELP) Why Did these Guys....???

by  |  earlier

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I don't even know what category this would fit in but anyways...There where 4 trains attached together. So, i'm sitting in the middle train and i notice 3 guys sitting and talking to each other and about 5 stops later they get off and go into the front of the train....Its weird but I'm just wondering why they did this?




  1. im sorry but that doesnt make sense.. i wna read it over and over again but just a waste of time.. try to ask a better one and with full of sense that would be much appriciated.

  2. Because they were providing a visual example of a mathematical story problem. 3 Guys are sitting in your train car, 3 guys move to the front train car, how many guys left the train car. Solve.

  3. it means they not comfortable sitting there seem u does respond to them and they feel bored and go in front  

  4. i dont get it either

  5. I dont understand your question, Ive read it over and over agian  

  6. next time make sure if u ask a Q (let it make some sense) cause babe ive gone through it more than two times but i could not get it.

  7. Sometimes a multi-car train gets split, where one part goes to one destination, and the other part somewhere else.

    Could be as simple as that.

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