
HELP!! acne is on its way!!?

by  |  earlier

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i recently started to get alot of spots, and i was wandering about wat products like creams or stuff i could use to help with it. Like ive heard of a Nivea collection, and also 'clean and clear'?? i dunno wat to use, also you can suggest other brands.

thank you sooo much!!!




  1. There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  2. I'd DEFINITELY suggest ProActive. Yeah, you've probably heard plenty of people say "It's amazing!" or "It's wonderful!". But from personal experience, I can tell you that consistent use of ProActive clears your face tremendously. After the first week, I started noticing results. I didn't use it as consistently as I should have, but if I would've used it correctly, my face would have been perfect.

    If you can't afford ProActive, or are not willing to wait for it, you can purchase a cleanser called Cetaphil. Most dermatologists will recommend that to you. It's a gentle, non-fragrance cleanser, that moisturizes your skin as well as clears it up.

    I'd also suggest using the Clearisil Acne Spot Treatment (It's either Clearisil or Clean and Clear). It's a clear gel that comes in a small tube container, and you put it on the spots that need to be dried out. It works WONDERS. I've been using it for the past week, and most of my acne has disappeared.

    Other than that, just wash your face every morning and night!

    **EDIT: I just checked, and it was Clean & Clear Acne Spot Treatment. Just make sure you don't buy the tinted acne spot treatment, because it will make you look like you have crusty make-up on.

  3. I suggest ProActive. I started breaking out in high school and decided to try it out. I used it for maybe three or four months. I saw results within a week. It's been six years and I've never had that issue again.

  4. Well many people swear on proactive, but it doesn't work for some.  I've also heard that after a year or so of using proactive, your skin becomes used to the product, and forms a sort of 'resistance' against it, causing your acne to come back.  Although it's different for everyone, you could give it a try if it's not too pricy for your budget.

    I've tried Clean and Clear, Neutrogena, Clearasil, and Biore.  They've all contained drying substances that made my skin worse after a period of usage.  Now, I use Cetaphil daily cleanser, and it's works great for me.  It's non-irritating and leaves my skin clean.  I've also noticed it clearing up and it's been three weeks!

    My skin is comination (oily/dry) so i go without a moisturizer, unless the dry spots are flaky :[ If they are, then I use the vitamin E moisturizing creme from the Body Shop.  It's great, just don't put too much. (comes in a pink round container) For outdoors, you should find a spf moisturizer.

    If you're looking for a spot treatment, i'd recommend the Neutrogena On-the-Spot acne treatment which contains BP.  I find it to work pretty well as an overnight treatment.  Another one is the clean and clear spot treatment which I've tried before, but it only made my pimples worse.

  5. well dont use to many of the creams and stuff casue that will un balance ur p.h. i would recomend pro active cetaphill a low one and then go higher if that dosnt help and do one thing for like a week and then if that dosnt work let ur skin chill for like 3 days then try somtin else for a week good luck

  6. A really good acne product is Proactive. It works great. And it's easy. There's only three steps. First you wash your face with the first. Revitalize with the 2nd and put repairing lotion with the third. It's awesome and it makes acne go away fast. The first time I tried it I wasn't so sure but the next day I woke up, and most of my acne was gone. So I kept using it and my face kept clear. I am still using it now. You should really try Proactive. It works great!

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