
HELP!!!!!! cottonbud in bum

by  |  earlier

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our baby is 9 weeks old and pretty much from week one she has needed to have a coddon bud to help her poo. she does not seem to becable of pooing herself.

our doctor said we should use the cotton bud and also orange juise and perhaps sugar water. and she still needs assistance to poo.

what do we do????




  1. its ok no boom boom

  2. when my daughter was little she got constipated. she was bottlefed and my health visitor told me to put a little extra water in each bottle. not too much just a little - over the course of the day the extra water will mount up, but not enought to overtax her kidneys. it did help. I'm not sure about the orange juice to be honest ,shes only 9 weeks old, there must be an alternative. why dont you have a word with a pharmacist - they really can help and you dont need to make an appointment.

  3. Try massaging her tummy.  It might make things move along.

  4. Basically you need the babys poo to be as liquid or soft as possible!

    Try rich Vitimin c orange/lemon juice and maybe even some glysorine.

    Try leave here for a day or 2 because a baby isnt gonna blow up from not pooing if it builds up eventually it will all come out

    or put a tiny amount of laxitive into her bottle

    only a few drops  

  5. Have you tried putting some dilute prune juice into a bottle for her and letting her have some sips of this?  this may have a better effect than orange juice.  My doctor wasnt keen on the cotton bud approach, but more because of the risk of doing damage to the a**s, but by the sounds of it, you are doing this the right way.  When my daughter had occasional constipation when she was as young as your child, I found a combination of stomach massage (clockwise motion), and 'cycling' her legs when she was lying down, helped.  I did this for a few minutes a few times a day.  Is she breastfed or formula fed?  If formula milk then maybe try switching brand?

  6. I used to have the same problem. I found the best thing to do is carry on,you grow out of it. Do not stop using cottonbuds as you could make your baby very ill.

  7. When i had my youngest child, he too was not capable of going to the "toilet" , i was told to give my baby VERY diluted natural orange juice. I thought it was very strange at first, but it did work eventually. I wouldn't be using cotton buds though, foreign objects aren't supposed to be placed inside a child's r****m!

    Good luck  x

  8. I don't know your situation but if i were you i'd stop with the cotton buds and let nature take its course.

    LOL okay i seriously don't want her to explode....maybe if you're not breastfeeding it could be the formula, it might be too harsh for her tummy maybe try changing the brand!!  Farleys and i found hipp organic to be very mild...good luck

  9. I dont really understand what you are on about? sorry

  10. cotton buds? you do not use cotton buds

  11. Orange juice? Sugar water? Er, can you change doctors?  A 9 week old baby does not need these things and can do more harm than good.  As for the help in pooing, you dont give details but babies really don't poo much especially if breastfed.  Mine didn't go for 3 days and this is totally normal.  Can you give any more info on the constipation?  Is she formula fed or breast fed?

      And please consider getting a second opinion on the juice and sugar!

  12. Baby needs to learn to go on her own and formula is constipating

    1) try a different formula - SMA, for instance, is well known for constipating babies

    2) in a 4oz feed, put one extra oz of water, to make it a 5oz feed, once a day, to help your baby get extra water to loosen the stool, she only needs an extra 1oz of water a day, or sometimes you may need to do this twice daily

    3) don't use orange juice, it's too harsh

    4) use brown sugar, a quarter of teaspoon in her feed or in 1oz of cool boiled water, don't overdo it though, it made my baby vomit when i gave too much so be really careful

    5) peddle her legs regularly

    6) or karo syrup

    If you try some of these baby will eventually go on her own and you won't need to insert anything anymore, try not to as such a delicate area down there!

    Babies do strain heaps as their tummy muscles aren't well developed, they have to push and push and push for the first year to really learn how to use them and develop them properly

  13. My daughter is four months old and has been constipated (on and off) since she was about a month old.  My grandmother told me to put a teaspoon of Karo (sp?) syrup in her bottle.  Of course I didn't like the idea...  But out of desperation, I tried it anyway.  Several hours later...  p**p!  Not an explotion, but a pretty good loose stool.  Now...  if she hasn't pooped in a day or two...  I give her the Karo syrup and all is well!  (I did ask my pediatrician, and he said it would be fine.)  Also!  Get the clear syrup, not the brown!  :)

  14. She's only 9 weeks old, there's not a lot you can give her.  I think in this case it's better to give her the cottonbud habit than the constipation habit.  If it's the only thing that'll make her do the doo, so be it.

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