
HELP dealing with cat and dog?

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My puppy who is now 6 months and my cat, she is 6, fight...well lets see, like cats and dogs. We have had the puppy for 4 months now and the cat and dog still do not get along at all. My cat, Bella, is very dominant and territorial. She gets along well with cats outside but not in her own house. My puppy is very friendly, he has met a cat before and they were sniffing and actually like rubbing up against each other and stuff, i think he thinks Bella will be the same way so he tries to get close to her and she swats at him constantly and then he starts whining (he doesn't bark, he never really has).

What do I do to make this stop? I want him to stop going after her, even though I know hes not going to try and attack her, but she is scared of him. I don't know who to discipline or if its even worth it. Any suggestions or similar situations?




  1. i have the same exact problemwith my animals i have cats and a dogs and we had the cat since they were born and their just showing that its their property lke if ur do barkes at people who go buy ur house it means ur dog is showing that is their territory it would be the same way if u got ur dog first and then ur cat ur do would chase the cat and everything

  2. Teach him to leave her alone.  Put him on  a leash and when he even looks her way yell NO and redirect his attention to something else like a toy or food.  

  3. I don't think Bella is afraid of the pup, just annoyed.  She swats at him constantly, right?  If she were afraid, she would stay out of his reach at all times.  

    She may like him more than she will admit.  She has to teach him his limits, which obviously he's a bit slow about.  He doesn't understand why she won't play like another puppy.  But he will learn as he matures.  If you ever see her watching him from a safe distance, that is a good indication that she likes him.  She wouldn't be watching him if she didn't like him.  

    If you ever see her rubbing against him even one time, that is a sure sign that she likes him.  She still might get annoyed with him sometimes.

    I didn't realize, until I got a cat, that cats actually enjoy being chased.  Mine actually signal the dogs when they want to be chased.  They won't run if they don't want to.  One of my dogs has a game where he barks at the cat while the cat swats at him; they carry on this way for a few minutes, clearly having a great time.  

    Since the cat and the dog aren't hurting each other, let them be.  They will work out their own relationship in time.

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