
HELP!?!! dont know what to do!?

by  |  earlier

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okay this is my problem im going on vacation on AUG 19 to AUG 22 or 23 to las vegas i have 3 guinea pigs 2 male and 1 pregnet female. i dont have anyone to watch them so i was thinking i was goanna leave them at home and leave hem a bunch of foods i have a big cage for my 2 male guinea pig and i was gunna leave them 3 big cucumber and 2 big carrots and bunch of pellets and of course water and i have another seperate cage for my female pregnet guinea pig and im leaving her 3 big carrots cause she loves carrots and 2 big cucumber and pellets and alot of water.

and for my pregnet guinea pig i think she due in the end of the month of aug. or hopefully before i leave

so do you think it will be okayy ??!1

help ? give me suggestions.




  1. the male pigs will be fine if you leave them with plenty of pellets not too much veg as they will just eat it all on the day you put it in the cage

    you cannot leave your pig there if she is pregnant or even if she has the babies there can be any problems go to your local vet ask them if they could take them or even if they know someone

    my local petshop took mine for a few days when i went away

    if you still canot find anywhere leave them in a cage and ask a neighbor to check on her every other day you cannot leave her completely unatended she could lose the babies or die.

  2. dont you have any frens that will watch them???

  3. dont leave them alone! its dangerous! Call a local animal hospital to keep your guinea pigs there!

  4. canu bring them??? or do u have any family that can watcht them?? if not then they shud be ok but its better to bring them

    but if u absolutley need to leave them by theirself heres some tips

    hope u have a good ime in las vegas!! and hope i helped!

  5. dont leave them alone, you should be able to find a boarding kennel that would watch them for you. or even a vet might have someone that can watch.

    it's worth the knowledge your babies will be okay, than risking it by leaving them.

  6. you should just leave them. thell be fine dont worry.

    youll only be gone for 3 days what could possibly happen??

    people just exsagerate.

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