
HELP!!! need horse help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a question about horses... i recently had the vet out because my horse had a very sore, weepy eye and the vet said that he had an eye ulcer and she gave me ointment for it and she also said that it should get better in 2 weeks. I put the stuff in for 2 weeks and now it has been another 2 weeks since i have put it in and its not getting better. he still wont open it and I had a bit of a look in it and he has red, white and blue patches in it. can someone help me... is he going blind??




  1. Sounds like an ulcer. I'd get the vet back. You don't mess around with eye injuries.

  2. I would talk to your vet. If you want to try something first though I might be able to give you some advice. My horse's eye did the same thing before and she had pink eye, I didn't call the vet because I knew it was pink eye, her eye was red and had white puss coming out of it, I went to the store and bought pink eye drops for humans and it cleared up. Pink eye, if not treated right, will cause blindness. Hope your horse's eye get's better.

  3. Only the vet can tell if he's blind. He'll probably have moonshine blindness. It's where something happens to the eye and the inside of the eye gets inflamed, and you really can't do anything about it except meds and hope it doesn't get worse. I had almost the same thing happen to my horse except the first time they told me it was a scratch to the cornea, and the second time I took him in after the two weeks, He was already losing vision, had an eye ringworm, and is going to continue to lose vision. I would take him to the vet soon, because the longer you wait the more vision he could be losing.

    Email me if you have questions:

    hope it helped. Best i can say is get to the vet ASAP.


  4. Hmm.

    if its blue he could be blind.

    But ask your vet to come back.

    If by chance u need to remove the eye it shouldnt be a problem.

    i new a mare whos eye got kicked out and her rider loved her so much she still rode her and kept her alive, i think she still does comps on her,

    Gd luck

  5. No one on YA can tell you if your horse is going blind. Only a vet can do that. You need to get your vet back out for another examination. In fact, you should have done it two weeks ago after you finished with the first medicine and the eye was not better as the vet had expected.

  6. appaloosas and appy crosses get this you vet out again, she may have to lance it.

  7. Ask the doctor to come back and look at his eye.

  8. this is sad he is definitely going blind in that eye .did they put die in it because it may have been a puncture and this is exactly the same as my pony's story. I'm telling you this in complete confidence that if it gets any worse the best thing you can do for hI'm is remove the eye before infection sets in and it can cause serious brain infections its extremely sad but im just letting you know before the vet comes. my little Tessa has one eye and she does barrel racing (9 hand Shetland) and i know a champion show jumper with one eye so if that's the case be happy he will live. Hope im wrong <3

  9. No the vet needs to up his meds. Steroids are the only thing to help it. It took us 3 times with the vet before Jeanie got better. She had allergies that can trigger an ulcer. Similar to your situation.

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