
HELP!!!!!!!!! (please) >_<?

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what are some good stretches for improving flexibility for skaters im pretty flexible i can split to the left and partially to the right and this may be weord but i can do my splits easier when i dont stretch so any suggestions...




  1. ok same w/ me for that whole better when u don&#039;t stretch thing. But I&#039;ll tell u when u do stretch- DONT OVER STRETCH! Last weekend I was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras and me and my cousin were stretching on the levis for like an hour and I am still sooooo sore! I am flexible though. A good stretch though (as long as u don&#039;t over do it is to do that thing where u greab ur leg and u pull it up. It&#039;s hard to explain. sorry.Another good one is to do a scorpian. ALso splits r good.

  2. Many yoga stretches are good for skating, as well as Pilate stretches, but also the basic -- splits, straddle, calf and Achilles stretch, thigh stretch, wheel st reach (or bridge like some people like to call it.) You should always stretch before and after skating, so you muscles don&#039;t get tight.

  3. beillmann stretches and regular spiral stretches work good, also do you know how to do a chicken wing. its like you take your arm and put it behind your head and put your hand on ur other shoulder then take your other hand and press down on ur elbow. its complicated the way i said it but it helps!

  4. i don&#039;t know about the whole split thing but heres some good stretches to do before and after skating

    do spiral streches and have someone pull your leg up above you as far as it can go wothout hurting you. lift your leg up into the beillman spin position and stretch it up like that.

    Do yoga stretches.

    Ask your coach what you should be doing for your particular level.

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