
HELP <span title="pLeASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">pLeASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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OK i just found a blazing leopard gecko in my bathtub after being attacked by a moth. i caught the gecko and i dont know what to feed it. it is just a baby and he hasent eaten much. i can tell that because his tail is not fat. we just had a big storm come through when i think he was more interested in finding a new home instead of food. and i dont know what to feed it!! help!!!!!!!!




  1. small crickets &amp; ither incets  

  2. just take it outside and let it go.

  3. even if you feed it he might not eat it because he was not raised in captivity. I&#039;m not sure what he will eat but try to feed him crickets and maybe wax worms. if that doesn&#039;t work email me and i can help.

  4. This is always a dilemma - asking you to do the right thing and return the animal to the wild where it belongs and knows how to care for itself, and also fearing you won&#039;t, so wanting to tell you how to care for it properly...

    It&#039;s a violation of Federal law to remove a wild animal from its native habitat (I know your bathtub doesn&#039;t qualify, but you get the gist)...

    Babies/hatchlings don&#039;t have fat tails, but it&#039;s not a toothpick, either.  Without seeing the condition the animal is in - I can&#039;t judge if its just hatched and hasn&#039;t started eating yet, or if its just done its first shed, and starting to eat, etc.

    Not only do wild lizards have a purpose in nature, but they can also carry disease and parasites.

    I would recommend that you return the lost baby back into the wild.  I know its cute, and you would rather not, but its truly the right thing to do.

    If he touched a warm place in your heart, and now you have decided that you&#039;d enjoy a Leo as a pet - captive born babies are available in many color morphs, very affordable and easy to obtain.

    Do your research FIRST, before you get it.  It needs many things besides a tank.  It needs the right gut loaded food, heat, humidity, warm and cool areas, correct tank temperature &amp; basking temperature, etc..  This can&#039;t be set by a strip thermometer (they inaccurate up to 20 degrees).  You&#039;ll need to buy a digital probe thermometer or a Infrared Therm. gun.  There is much to know BEFORE you can be a good Leo owner.

    Do the right thing, and release the wild baby.  Study up, get the equipment you need first, set up the habitat correctly, and then buy a captive born Leo.

    I&#039;m sorry I couldn&#039;t be of more help.

  5. Here is a good simple web site that should contain the information that you need to care for your new little friend.

    Hope this helps you.

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