
HELP !!!what should i do???

by  |  earlier

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ok my friends is bisexual and she wants me to go out with her... but I'm not and she knows that... i love her but more as a sister...




  1. Ok, well just tell her how you feel. Tell her that is not how you are and ask her if yall can still just be friends!!

  2. OH S H I T  ! ! ! ! ! !

    just tell her firmly that u're not like her and u would never do that..... u can ignore her for sometime.....but if things get worse looks for a les partner for her....or maybe a bf would do....

  3. If she is your friend, she should understand that.  Just tell her  xox

  4. Just tell her that you love her as a sister but nothing more and that your straight and you just dont want to do that.

  5. Explain to her that you don't love her in THAT way  

  6. just tell her how you feel but in a nice way and say you like her but as a sister and thats it

  7. Then take a stronger stand.

    The next time she starts with it, stop her immediately and use a strong and firm/angry voice and tell her.

       You sound like a broken tape recorder and i'm getting quite sick of it.  

        You chose the right to be bi and i accepted that, i chose not to be and if you can't accept it, then i can end this friendship forever right now.

         So what's it going to be, because i don't want a friend who continuously violates my rights and choices, I'm tired of the nagging and whining especially when it only benifits your

    own self centered purposes.  So answer me now, will you or won't you stop. And then stand by those choices and if she should start and later...hang up, walk away whatever, but say nothing, except no appologies and end the friendship or she will never stop.

          Your gonna have to deal with a lot of ppl in your life time who are only concerned with what "they" want, even if it hurts or destroys your life, but as long as they get their way they really don't give a dam about you.

           And many of these ppl will try "abuse" the word and definition of friendship.

           You and your friends are still young, so let me give you fair warning, because right now it may be oh, so cool, to accept and hang around with them but in reality. So if your hanging out with them, expect this kind of constant nagging.

           You are who you hang with" in other words, this is the way all will see and judge you and you will carry that reputation.

           Guys, have little use for female "friends", same goes for bi, g**s, lesbians, they hang with their own and so it has been through out history, it's just a human condition.

           Many of the old saying have a "lot" of truth to them, in this case "birds of a feather, flock together",  and you will never ever find a Robin in a flock of bluejays.

           If you want facts about humanity, then learn about nature and animals, because in reality that is actually what we are just another speices, the only thing that seperates us is a more advanced brain, even that at times is questionable ???

  8. if u don't like her as a partner - tell her directly I love u like a sister & I dint like this kind of behavior that's it

    she will understand u - if she is human

  9. Oh, don't go out with her, your rep will be totally ruined and your not like that and it's weird.

  10. Simple! Tell her exactly what you wrote here.  

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