
HELP with my parents!!!??!!???

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How to convince my rents to let me do a foreign exchange program?!?!? HELP PLEASE!!! PRE-APS ARE DUE SOON!!!




  1. Show your independence and responsibility over the last several years and have recommendations from teachers and local leaders you're familiar with. Straight A's in whatever language you'll need to speak over there. English included. No history of drugs, drinking, partying, relationships, "loose morals," and whatnot that parents are so worried about. No car accidents. Employment opportunities in the country you'll be visiting or some structured environment guaranteed. You have to sell yourself along with the advantages of the position, to your parents.

  2. its the experience of a lifetime...u may never get to travel, do it while ur young

  3. just do everything they say that helped me a lot when i was younger.and try to do a bit of extra work.i know it doesn't sound good but you will get payed for that hard work.hope i could help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Like Schnurrbart was getting at, they're not going to want to let you go if you've somehow given them reason not to trust you (drugs, drinking, car accidents, not listening to rules about behavior when around your peers of opposite s*x, whatever...) because they will worry for your welfare while you are away. Not that this is the case (maybe you're a Perfect A student who obeys every rule,) but like everyone else is saying, if you don't show some maturity in your behavior when asking to go, it doesn't matter that you're a good kid. You will not get everything you want (you have to keep their concerns and money-involved in mind,) but if you're -willing- to compromise, and show that with respect when negotiating it, you are more likely to convince them you deserve it. It's hard to dig yourself out of a hole if you've already turned them off to the idea, but all you can do is take another approach starting today and from now on, and don't look back and make the same mistakes again.

  5. By displaying some maturity.

  6. before you talk to them, plan it out. have some books and brochures on hand, and convince them that you are responsible enough to do it. tell them the advantages, and listen to them. if they say something you don't like, don't go off and yell at them - you want to convince them that you are mature enough.

    good luck mate.

  7. Wow...thats kind of a big thing.

    lets see...tell them its for educational

    purposes. Like it would help out ur

    future and stuff for college applications

    and things like that! It will be well worth


  8. Beg Beg Beg !!! show them you want to do the program! And say it would be a good experiance for you to meet new people and different cultures and see the world

  9. Put together a presentation on reasons why you should be allowed to participate.  Maybe you could have some teachers write you letters of recommendations.  Parents love stuff like that.  Make sure that the teachers mention how safe you will be.

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