

by  |  earlier

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what does it mean if you can think two things in your mind at once like i could be singing a song in my mind and then i could thing at the same time with still thinging the song like..."i gotta go shopping and go to abercrombie i like that shirt that i saw there last time i went" HELPP AM I GOING CRAZY i think i have fibromyaligia could this have something to do with that?? HELPP




  1. Thanks a lot for asking that because I can think of five things at once at like different levels in my mind. At first I thought it was because of my I.Q. level but thanks again for asking it.

  2. you can think of more than one think in your head at once you when i sing a song i ain't just thinking of the words I'm also thinking of certain people or feelings etc.

    white flag and an ex for example. or hush and my current gf x

    maybe you mean you get distracted? i dunno your question doesn't make much sense

  3. you should see a doctor

  4. The brain is a marvellous thing. Not only can it support at least two trains of thought at once, it is controlling your entire body, taking in information about your surroundings and accessing your memory to provide meaning for this information.

    This is normal. I myself frequently manage to go shopping, hum a tune and chew gum whilst thinking about what I'm going to cook for dinner and worrying about Russian aggression in Georgia.

    Fibromyalgia is a condition which causes chronic pain, sensitivity to touch and mild cognitive dysfunction. If you have been diagnosed with this condition it may account for your feelings of confusion. If you are concerned, see a doctor. You might want to try exercising your brain with simple memory training and other cognitive exercises to limit any dysfunction.

  5. All it means is that you're female and the innate multi-tasking facilities of your brain are kicking into gear.

    Soon, you'll be able to sing a song, think about the Abercrombie shirt, do your makeup, listen to a boyfriend talking about some stoopid stuff _and_ txt a girlfriend about when and where you're going to meet in the mall tomorrow, all at the same time.

    Revel in the power of being a girl.

  6. OMG!!!111!!  u better see ur docter soon!!!  

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