
HIHG SKOOL?!?!??!?!?!?

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Will I get bored in a high school with only 1400 people becuase I am going to a different school with only 1400 students.Or a I could decide to go to my home school wiht about 2400 students. So if your hs doesnt have that many people can oyu tell em how it is. thanks




  1. I go to a small HIHG SKOOL its can be lame at times

  2. wow u think that highschool is small then u shouldnt come to manville high  cause we only have about 400 kids in our high school.  and yes ther is only 100 (one hundred) students per grade.  but it doesnt get   boring cause u know everyone so u always have a friend to fool around with or get into trouble

  3. Yeah really, i'm going to a high school with 400 kids. My older brother and sister has already been there and its Not boring. you'll make friends and in a smaller high school your might make More friends because in my high school you get really clos to your friends.

  4. We have 600 kids at our high school, and I like it that way. Everyone knows everyone, and there is less drugs/booze.

    By the way: you spelt high AND school wrong....

  5. my high school only has around 600 people and i have a blast. the way i figure it, the less people the less chance there is of having problems with bullies, i'm friends with almost everyone in the school, you will have a blast no matter which school you go too, just ensure that you will have friends no matter which one you go to, and make sure that both schools offer the subjects you are interested in.

  6. lol u suck

  7. None of you can say anything about a small school... My high school only has 80 kids in it!!! but really its not that bad, the small town is kinda boring but i know everyone in my school and you always can go to someone to hangout with or just talk. You know who to trust and who to stay aways from. Its not boring at all! also in a smaller school you get to know your teachers really well and you arent afraid to tease them and you know what you can get away with. I would pick a small school over a bigger one any day!  

  8. well.. honestly, even if your school doesn't have that many people, how woudl you get bored?? just make some friends and you can just hang out with them. besides, high school is time for you to study and you shouldn't worry too much about being bored at school because you should concentrate more on your academics.

  9. High school isn't about being bored, or not. It's about getting an education ! Sounds like you need to re-evaluate your values !  THE MORE YOU KNOW ! ( speaks volumes ) !  

  10. The thing about a small high school is, it's very close-knit and your teachers actually care about you. Mine is really great. My district is big, so we have two high schools, and I go to both depending on the day. The smaller school, Central West, is so comfy and it has way less crime than Central East. I suggest you go to the smaller school.

  11. u spelled high wrong
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