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So im too lazy to go to the store to dry some bananas so im wondering how easy(or complicated) is it to dry banana chips at home? or apricot pieces or whatever? and how long does it take to dry AND HOW DO I DRY THEM lol so many questions i know. I also know i should just get my lazy butt to the store lol




  1. I tried drying bananas at home once and they didn't turn out very good. I think the ones they sell are very green when they dry them, so they hold together. Then they either add banana flavor, or just a LOT of sugar to them. Mine tasted a lot like potatoes, but not the potato chip kind, the raw kind... Not good. Sorry I don't have any good suggestions for you. It's probably not that hard to dry bananas, but I didn't get good results. Good luck!

  2. I am not positive, but I don't think you can do it just by laying it out to dry - you need a machine that does it for you.  I can't remember the name, but i think they are dehydrators - they make dried fruit and beef jerkey

  3. If you live where the sun is hot, you can slice the fruit, lay it on a mesh screen so that air can flow over and under the fruit then put it outside and let the sun dry it for you.

    Also, you can purchase a dehydrator that will dry fruit and vegetables.

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