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ya i know it's bad..but he started and he did hurt me ..he 's ignoring me without reason..he shud talk to me if i did somthing wrong

so i'll try to play the same game :'(




  1. With your tendency to have a sting in the tale and an esoskeleton,I'm sure you will find a way to hurt someone who is easily swayed by emotion and whose defences are all up front.

  2. not sure if this has anything to di with it..but a cancer guy also did the same to me..i heard they can't make up their mind and just get really emotional over things

  3. edit: Back stab him or simply make him feel bad inside,Cancers are very sensitive.

    edit: look...I suck at being bad,but I had a Cancerian friend,if I would make her feel bad inside by mistake she will take it very seriously.

  4. he's ignoring you?

    i'm pretty sure he's ignoring you for a REASON. He's just not being submissive like you, the typical dominant scorp female want him to be. If he's ignoring you, ask him what's wrong, and if he still ignores you, s***w him and move on.

    the best revenge you could get is to ignore him back, act unaffected and flirt with someone else in plain sight and act like you're having the best time of your life.

    you could also send a text saying "I erased your number, erase mine"

    then he'll realize that you mean business.

    Move on.

  5. If he's ignoring you, I'm not sure how you can imagine that you'll get back at him.  This is only going to escalate if you try to hurt him. If he knows you at all and has really reached the point of no return with you, he will use his memory to bring up every insecurity you've got and then some. Plus, he'll have a wall up so that no matter what you say, it won't really get to him. Just move on.

  6. Ignoring you without reason.. are you sure you aren't the one probing him with questions, suffocating him, and demanding more time with him than his schedule allows?  Cancers don't ignore on purpose... there's obviously something else that's on his mind... the last thing Cancers want to do is hurt people... actually  they want to do the exact opposite.

  7. Cancers are VeRy sensitive people . One thing can tick them off. They are controlling people and likes to be in controll.

  8. I have Cancer moon which is more prominent than my Taurus sun.

    I am extremely sensitive..

    I know what you should do..

    Spread rumors on him, give him nasty looks, when he does say something to him, give him some nasty words no matter what!

    If that happened to me.. Wow.

    You will get him good!

  9. dont hurt him :[ he'll get his karma! :]

  10. Scorpions have it like that.  Try to let it go or it will destroy you.

  11. You must get him out of your life entirely.

    The revenge will not work and it will come back to you stronger than you sent it out.

    If you don't walk away from him, you will hurt more and more.

    Just go and look for someone new to occupy your time.

  12. dont do it to a cancerian.

    revenge is never the right answer with a crab. they always back fire. maybe not straight forward but like the crab, they'll side-step to the right and back fire it right back at you.

    all i have to say is be careful. and sorry bout what happened.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  13. The worst thing you can do to a Cancer is have a good time without them.

    In other words, just ignore it, don't act hurt, move on, and have fun.  

  14. for scorpions the 5 th house is pisces ruled by jupiter-the man with highest element of knowledge.scorpions can lan very well ,wait for right time.right place and in right wy that the other person cannot rebuff. scorpions have enough patience too.if  they really love they excuse any thing.cancer is 9 th to scorpio and thrugh cancer sign scorpions derive enjoyment..aftr all if you o on thinking and thinking  over the past issue you will find out ..mean while time makes every thing in ur favour at least b'fore end of nov '08ie.before jupiter goes to capricorn the opp.sign of cancer.

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