

by Guest65329  |  earlier

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how long does the surgery take??

Do they use stiches??

Won't the dog remove the stiches?

What care do i hav to give my dog after being spayed or neutered??




  1. This website has a bunch of information on the subject.

    When my puppy was neutered we dropped him off at the vets and picked him up a few hours later and he had a cone around his neck (hah) so that he wouldn't pull the stitches out. Its a small insition.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Neutering is generally pretty quick and spaying takes a little longer, since they're removing an organ. The dog can't remove the stitches if you put an "Elizabethan Collar" (the thing that looks like a cone) on their head. Just make sure that your dog doesn't do a alot of physical things, since they have just had surgery. Keep them calm and don't make them get all excited and jumpy because that isn't good for them.

  3. 1)The surgery takes about 5 hours.

    2)Yes,they do use stitches.

    3)You have to keep a close eye on you dog.You will probably have to buy a plastic cone to put around his/her neck for about a week to prevent your dog from removing them.

    4)You can't feed him/her or let him drink anything for 8 hours.Keep an eye on him/her so he doesn't mess with the cone.Don't let your dog be too jumpy,also.  

  4. surger and care takes about a day or a night. if the dogs try to remove the stiches then obviously they would put an elizabeth's collar on the dog to keep it from tearing it off. they do remove the stiches after a few weeks. after the surgery the dog would usually have red eye or is woozy and might not eat. make sure that your dog doesnt irritate the stitches and give him or her a rest. usually after a few days the dog would act normal again.

  5. Well- my female dog is now fixed. It took about a day and everything went fine afterwards. She couldn't have any more puppies. :c It will be fine.

  6. The surgery itself takes about 30-45 minutes. Vets usually like to keep the pet overnight to make sure there the animal is recovering well.

    They do use stitches, but if you absolutely cannot return to the vet, you can request dissolvable stitches only (most vets do not like to do this though). If you get regualr stitches and your dog chews or licks the area, you can go back and get an e-collar for about $10.

    After care- make sure the incision stays clean and she doesn't jump around too much at first.

  7. Surgery would take about a day or two , And they do use stitches .. Dogs wont remove the stitches  , You or the vet  will have to remove them ....You dont have to use special care just make sure to keep the place clean .. It`s not has bad has it sounds they will do very well.

  8. neutering doesn't take very long spaying will take longer.  you will have to pick up your cat's food at midnight the night before, they can't have any food in their stomach or they may throw up while they are under the anesthesia and choke on their vomit.

    at least for my male cats the sutures that they used were the kind that get absorbed.  most females you will have to bring back to have the sutures removed.  a lot of the times they will put an e-collar on them (elizabethan collar also called a cone) so they can't get to their sutures and pull them out you will have to keep an eye on the wound to make sure there is no infection.

    your vet will give you all the information you will need to know, and don't be afraid to ask questions...if you have any further questions call your vet's office and they should be able to answer all your questions.

  9. dogs, cats, same difference.

    it is very simple surgery . a lot easier for males, of course.

    animal might be groggy, seem sick and want to hide under the bed for a day. that is the meds wearing off.

    usually done in one day. surgery in morning, home at night. but, of course, that is up to the vet. might keep him over night.

    the incision is very small. i think that is why animals dont pull out the stitches, it doesnt bother them enough.

    the last i heard, with cats, i assume with dogs too, they use a small hook like instrument to hook the ovaries and pull them out of the body, then cut. so the incision is very small.

    you shouldnt have to give the animal anything after surgery, but check with vet.

    just give him a quite place to hide.

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