
HOW FAR IS A LIGHT YEAR??????????????df?

by  |  earlier

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basically how far is 20 light years. like how long would it take. cuz honestly this whole space program hsa been the same since the 60's , like honestly ppl in the 60;s said we were gona be flying in the sky lol. i know this sounds weird but how come its taking so long?





  2. a light year is its own measurement of distance its not in miles its in lightyears. if you google this and type in convert light years to miles or something like that.

  3. equal to just under two hundred trillion kilometres

  4. a light year is 300,000 years... soo do the math

  5. a lot times twenty

  6. Multiply 186,300 by 31,556,926.2797and that will give you the equivalent distance in miles.That would be about 5.87 x 10^12 miles.

    20 light years would therefore be about 1.174 x 10^14 miles.

  7. it's the total distance light travels in one year. light is the fastest thing in existance. i think you get the idea :D

  8. 97 trillion km

  9. 186,000 miles x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 = Do the math : )

  10. 1 light year: 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers. Or 9.46 trillion km. 63,241 AU

  11. Its taking so long because it is very very very very very far away...

    One light year is the estimate of Ten trillion kilometers... and thats just one..

    Multiply that by 20

  12. .A light year is....roughly around 6 trillion miles.

    It's the distance that light travels in one year at 186,000 miles per second.

    So...just multiply that by 20...and you will find out that.....that's a lot of zeroes

  13. well, in space, light travels 186 000 miles per second (300 000 km per second) and it takes light 1.3 seconds to reach the moon from earth. Plus, when light leaves our Sun, it takes 8 minutes and 30 seconds to reach Earth. So a light year is billions and billions of miles.

  14. As  already mentioned 20 light years is about 120 trillion miles --- see the numbers get so big they are meaningless--

    That's one reason astronomers use Light Year  or AU (Astronomical Unit) when discussing distance--- or even Red Shift if it's REALLY far away.

  15. Shout My Mamma "A" Train Gangsta Yall!

  16. 1 ly = (186,000mi/sec)(60sec/min)(60min/hr)(24h...

    Multiply by 20.

    The space program is not the same as it was.  --No manned expeditions anywhere since 1973.  

    People in the 60s were flying in the sky at mach 6+.  What are you talking about?  Anyone who wants to fly in the sky can do so.  You will explain yourself.

    As you know American public interest in manned expeditions is nearly zero, so NASA doesn't get much funding.

  17. One light year =(186000)(3600)(24)(365.25)= 5.86971E+12

    or 5,869,710,000,000 miles  multiply by 20 for 20 light years

    I added the .25 to include leap year

  18. One light year is the distance that light travels, at about 186,000 miles per second, in one year. Just multiply 186,000 times the number of seconds in a year to get the distance in miles.

  19. They already probably have something that can travel lightspeed. You know the government lol. keeping stuff from us! And a lightyear is how far light travels in a year in miles.

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