
HOW POINTLESS? agree disagree?

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ok well i am 15 and personally i think doing things that you dont like are just a waist of time.

like great if you are good at maths then study it

but i know the direction i want to take in life and learning maths that has bearly any relevance to life when i should be out there living it.

why spend your life studying and preparing yourself for jobs when you arent really just accepting what is there already in this world without having to do things you absolutely hate.

and no i am not some lazy slob or anything

i love art and design and music and nature and maths really is nothing in compared to these things for me

my mum on the other hand disagrees with me and says all this stuff about building brain connections blah blah

there are many other ways to do that!

what do you think?

please be honest! =]




  1. Most people are going to asnwer this with a degree or no sympathy at all towards your position.

    All with pretty much say no.

    Im sorry but the closest answer I can give you is find out and appreciate why you learned these things much later BUT sooner in life than youd think.

    For one. Your 15. When I was 15, I had some ideas of what I wanted to do, generally the direction i wanted to go in. Figured things like english and whatnot were a waste of my time (wanted to be an engineer). When i was 18 heading into college and a few years into college, i totally changed.

    I promise your not going to be the same person in 2 years.

    I promise you want be the same in 3, 4, or5.

    But if you suck it up and take the c**p your "forced" to learn now, i promise that if ever you change your mind-n you'll be ready.

    Its about keeping you doors open man.

    Keeping oppurtunity wide open.

    Because you dont want to say 4 years from now. Crud, i could be doing this if i had learned that a few years ago.

    In college, you'll have all doors open to you, and then  you can decide what you want to become. Until then suck it up, it wont kill you and you know it.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I disagree that they are pointless. People much smarter then you developed the curriculum for a reason. At some point or another you are going to use some of the things you learned in every class you ever took, whether you remember where you learned those things or not.

    15 puts you at freshmen or sophomore year.  You have to take what's given to you at this point anyway. When you are a junior or a senior you'll be able to select a few of your own courses via electives. Start to specialize your education then. Until then you have to take certain things if only to prepare you for life.

    The education system is going to be telling you what you have to take your whole educational career, you better get used to it. You think college is going to be any different? No. There are going to be the required courses you have to take before you can pick a major, and even after you pick your major they are going to tell you what types of art or design courses you have to take you get your degree in that.

    Here's a theoretical for you. You love working with watercolor. That's all you want to do. You get though all your first year courses at college and move into your major. You find out you have to take classes that teach advanced theory in pencil sketching as a requirement for your art degree.... Guess what? You have to take it.

    Listen to your mother, suffer through the classes you don't like. It will get you closer to your goal faster if you just accept it.  Good luck to you.

  3. I disagree, it is not pointless at all. Everything you take in school will have something to do with your life, whether you're at work or helping your kids with a Math problem. I think it isn't a waste of time at all because if you focused on Math and all the other subjects you'd be ready to work as anything. However, if you chose one or two subjects to focus on and then didn't get that lucky after school you're gonna have a lot of trouble. My sister is 27 years old and she told me that she hated Math so much at school, she used to get a C-. But then university came, and she knew nothing about Math and got a low mark in her S.A.T, she spent more than 4,000 dollars getting tutors to teach her everything from zero, and she never got to enjoy university. Focus on everything you take in school! It might get tough, but it'll get a whole lot easier when you're in university, because you'll be more responsible and have less subjects. Better safe than sorry. Good luck!

    Love, Mel.

  4. Your too young to think for yourself. if you left home right now, you'd never make it. listen to your mum.

  5. it's waste of time not "waist"

    Do whatever you like cause it's important that you study something you love in order to succeed in

  6. You're a stupid teenager.  If your aspiration isn't in math, I hope it isn't in anything else academic.  You write like you're borderline illiterate.

    Things are a "waste" of time, not a "waist" of them.

    You think learning math (singular, it's just one subject) has "barely" any relevance, not "bearly" any relevance.

    "I" is always capitalized.

    "Aren't" deserves its apostrophe.

    Everyone I ever met who ever got anywhere as an artist, interior designer, or musician dedicated themselves to the study of art history, literature, aesthetics, and (in the latter case) music theory.  If you don't understand the math, history, anatomy, and physics behind tonal harmonization, color proportion, spatial conservation, lighting, and so forth, then what you produce in these arenas is likely to be hit-or-miss, unoriginal, and unimpressive.  And those sorts of qualities are toxic to artistic endeavors.

    Being honest, your mom is right, and you are wrong.

    But I can empathize with being a stupid teenager.  Back then, I sucked at high school physics and chemistry, but discarded them because I was only interested in philosophy and anatomy.  But now, reading in areas that actually do interest me like philosophy of mind, cosmological arguments and counterarguments, metaphysical reductionism, and so forth, guess what sort of background knowledge I need.  Luckily, I was able to catch up, but it took half a year to learn on my own what a physics instructor taught in a semester.

  7. I agree.

    Doing things you HATE is more going towards wasting your time and energy then building anything.

    When I remember my school time, I felt the same about chemistry for instance and I just did the minimal required but at the same time I did other things with great success (like literature, languages etc.)

    Low rates in chemistry at the high school didn´t prevent me finish the university (Philology) and interest myself in varies other matters I liked.

  8. you are right lauren...

    your mom is wrong, totally n absolutely wrong!

    as a kid i loved music, i wanted to learn violin from ever since I could remember, my parents never let me... as a kid how could i learn it myself? i mean i had no money.

    they just pushed me harder to study... well... i failed! now, i dont have any qualifications... n find it very difficult to get jobs...

    if only my parents had encouraged me to learn music I KNOW by now i would have been a good musician and life would have been so much better and satisfying... now here i'm... i'm 27... i'm learning music now... but my life would have been very different if my parents hadn't discouraged me when i was a kid.

    my elder brother was very interested in art as well.. he was a fabulous painter! very talented... but my parents never realised the worth of talent n just forced him to study... he killed himself at the age of 16.

    I don't blame my parents.... largely they were ignorant. they believed what was in our best interest, unaware of the damage they actually caused.

    you are right... your mom is wrong. don't confront your parents.. it won't work... rather convince them of your interests...

    convince them in whatever manner it takes! never give up on something that you truly are interested in!

    dont ever end up like me. good luck to you.

  9. I agree you. Do what you loves to do else the life will be a burden...

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