
HP: <span title="Deatheaters???????????????">Deatheaters??????????????...</span>

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Are there any deatheaters that were in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?




  1. nope all in slytherin, except for wormtail (peter pettigrew)  who was in gryffindor

  2. Nope. All of them (except Peter Pettigrew) were in Slytherin (or didn&#039;t go to Hogwarts at all.) Voldemort only accepted pure bloods ( which I find strange seeing how he is a half-blood) and Slytherin only accepted purebloods (which I also find strange because once again, Voldemort was a half-blood.......though not completley strange because he WAS related to Salzar Slytherin). I guess it makes sense that they basically all came from Slytherin.

    I do think though....that it would have been wise of Voldemort to choose a Ravenclaw because having someone who is witty and intelligent could come in handy. But then again Voldemort wasn&#039;t very wise was he????? I would go into further detail but I have written enough as it is.

  3. I don&#039;t think so.  JKR doesn&#039;t specifically say if there are any deatheaters from those houses.

    I think it is assumed that they are all from Slytherin.  

  4. no, they were all from slytherin  

  5. Deatheaters could be anyone. For example, Peter Pettigrew (friend of Harry&#039;s dad, James) was a Gryffindor but later on became a Deatheater. May be there are some from the other two houses, but I don&#039;t think JK mentioned them in the books.

    edit: To the person above me - Don&#039;t forget, Tom Riddle is a half-blood himself. That&#039;s why he chose to go after Harry (a half-blood)instead of Nevile (a pure blood)

  6. Hmm... thats an interesting question... I think that there is a possibility that there could have been.. Being in Gryffindor/hufflepuff/ravenclaw doesnt necessarilly mean you will be good or noble! Look at Peter Pettigew... He was a Gryffindor! And Dumbledore Himself was tempted by the dark arts! To be really honest I think that is possibly the only big fault I can find with Rowlings story line: Making it seem that all the Evil people are or come from Slytherin...which of Course is not true, look at Snape and Slughorn!

    Im not sure if there were any Ravenclaw  or Hufflepuff deatheaters...But Id personally like to think there would be.  

  7. no they are all in slytherin- close friends of vodemort and stuff.  Also ron sais in the first book- &quot;there wasn&#039;t a wizard gone bad that wasn&#039;t in slytherin&quot;, but Not all death eaters come from hogwarts. the only exception was peter pettigrew who was from griffendor. Also, voldemort only accepts pure bloods, so I guess there might be, but I highly doubt it.

  8. I was under the impression that the vast majority of bad wizards came out of Slytherin, but that doesn&#039;t exclude other houses from hosting a bad egg every now and then.

  9. none were mentioned, but there is a chance an anonymous one slipped by.

  10. I don&#039;t remember any being mentioned, but in books 6 and 7 it sounded like the death eaters grew to much larger proportions than just voldemort&#039;s inner circle. i assume when he was in full power before harry was born there were probably many then too.

    If you are very liberal and say that anyone that was too afraid to fight voldemort could be considered a death eater. according If you&#039;re not with me you&#039;re against me addage.

    So there were many unnamed witches and wizards, that could have come from any house.

    keep in mind not all the death eaters came from hogwarts. there are many other magic schools besides the three you learn about in the books. :D

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