
Hair pulling?how to stop?

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i have a problem with pulling hair..but i only pull out the ones that are very wirey and that feel wierd and how do i stop and is their a name for this?




  1. Uh use some conditoner so there will be no wirey ones to pull.

  2. WILL POWER. My sister had that problem and thats what i told her. she stoppeed within a few days.  

  3. ok.....

    tis wierdd

  4. Wow apparently there is. I just googled up hair pulling & the first link came up this disorder thing.

    Its called Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) & its in the Mental Health section.

    I'm not saying at all that you have it this is just what came up. I doubt that you have this then again I don't know here are the symptoms.


    Signs and symptoms of trichotillomania include:

        * Patchy bald areas on the scalp or other areas of the body

        * Sparse or missing eyelashes or eyebrows

        * Chewing or eating pulled out hair

        * Playing with pulled-out hair

        * Rubbing pulled-out hair across the lips or face

    Most people with trichotillomania pull hair from their scalp. But eyebrows and eyelashes may also be pulled, as well as hair from the legs, arms, pubic area or other parts of the body. Hair pulling is usually done with the fingers. But sometimes tools are used, such as tweezers, brushes and combs.

    For some people, hair pulling is intentional and focused. They're aware that they're pulling their hair out while they're doing it, and they may even develop elaborate rituals around hair pulling. But for others, hair pulling is so automatic or habitual that they may do it unconsciously — they don't realize that they're doing it.

    & here is the link.

    I hope this helps you out a bit.

    I honestly don't know how you can stop maybe just distract yourself quickly when your about to pull it out. Like do something else instead that doesn't involve sitting.


  5. Once oyu see how the new hairs grow, you will deff wanna stop.

    I pulled all my breakage hairs that were caused from straightening and omg its awful

  6. Well i have my own bad habbits, and it sucks and it very hard to stop.  if i were you i would try to not think about it. and also there is a shampoo you can get in salons that makes your hair stronger so less gets pulled out, or gets loose. also try not wear your hair up. and DONT LET OTHER PPL SAY its weird. becouse EVERYONE has there quirks its what makes us individuals. Probally not much help. but i tried.


  7. It's called trichotillomania.

    The best thing is to join one of the support forums to get information as there isn't one single answer.

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