
Hair removal down there? please helppp?

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i trim my pubic hair around the p***s to keep it short and thats fine , but the hair on the testes is annoying me , i tried using a scissor to cut it but its not effective but there are still traces of hair and its disgusting , can anyone help? i cant purchase a shaver cos my mum would find out anyway a shaver won't be good on the ball area , does anyone have an alternative way?i want to completely remove the hair away from the testes without any tiny strands of hair left

i am asking this question here because probably girls have more experience , one person suggested a ear / nose trimmer but i think that would be to costly after all i am only 15




  1. Use Nair or Veet waxing strips. I know it's gonna hurt like h**l, but it's totally worth it when you see the results. Get the ones that are made your private area. DON'T USE HAIR REMOVAL CREAMS! They'll make your balls hurt because they use chemicals and can leave chemical burns. Or you can use a tweezer to pluck them which is equally effective.  

  2. the skin is too sensitive to use nair on, just shave them, it's easy

  3. If you're 15 you don't need to be having s*x there for you don't need to shave your testicles.

  4. Hair remover-  use the gentle for the face kind.    

  5. Use Duct Tape!!, I'm kidding!!

    You're really too young to think about waxing...

    all I can suggest is just shave with clippers if you can,

    then use a regular razor [with shave gel/cream]

    and remove the rest.

    Why are you so disgusted with the hair anyways?

    I found out an interesting fact about pubic hair...

    it's there to keep your "scent" which attracts the opposite s*x.

    Sounded strange at first but the more I thought about it...

    It made perfect sense!!

    Anyways...good luck sweets!

  6. i think a razor  could work,  and im guessing you dont wanna wax.  an because its sensitive i dont know about  like a hair remover cream ... but you can try if you would like but that stuff makes me itch! so i reccomend razor just dont  rush things and be careful!

  7. If you're seriously determined to rid your balls of hair, you really only have two choices: shaving or waxing. Waxing will hurt like h**l but will keep you hair free for a long time, weeks, but shaving lasts only a couple of days then goes all stubbly and horrid and you don't want that.

    For goodness sakes don't use a nose trimmer. There is a reason it's not called a 'testes trimmer'. Btw, if you shave, USE SHAVING CREAM!!

  8. laser hair removal is awesome as it gets removed forever and if any hairs come back you can have those removed for free.

    Waxing would probably hurt on the ball area >> although I wouldn't know how it feels for a guy but as a girl it hurts !! lol

    you could tweezer but that might be sore and need lots of patience if you have lots of hair.

    Nair is another good choice just try it out first on a small patch.

  9. hair removal creams will do a great job and if you can get one ..a razor can do a neat job too although you gotta be very careful while using it down there .

  10. use nair....i no it sounds like a girl thing but my brother had the same problem and it worked for him

  11. hahaha, been there done that.

    before anyone suggests these, do NOT

    1- use chemical peels like nair

    2- wax or use a similar sugar based product

    The best way I have found is with allot of patience and a regular razor, I know its hard and long but its quite honestly the only way. Also, don't stretch the skin so that you can shave flat as you will get more cuts and DON'T apply pressure. what you can do to speed it up to is find something to rest it on (your bed or a plate or something) to make it a little flatter so you can get more at once.

  12. Nair works great. You can try it in a small area as it maybe to harsh for the balls.

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