
Halal Meat..Visiting the Philippines...?

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Would it be impossible to find Halal meat in the Philippines? I only eat Halal meat , and im allergic to seafood...Are there many Vegetarian options there? Also, when visiting a Filipino family, what is a nice gift to take? I'm Pakistani and i'm going to the Philippines in a month, in my culture sometimes it's nice to take a gift for the family...So would this offend them or not? What should i take?




  1. slm alykm w rhmtllh!

    there are many muslims now scattered in the philippines,and there are many meat shops near a masjid, one can easily ask the local muslim in an area and they will politely show you the way.

    The canned goods and some frozen meats in supermarkets have indications in their bags or containers that they are  halal printed in the arabic and latin letters. Although some muslim agency are stating that the labelling of halal are not "credible"  and some states that it is halal. So best of all is to buy only goods with halal from islamic states available in some major  supermarkets. Available too in muslim or middle east or eastern mini malls along United Nations Avenue in Manila.There are many delicious delicacies of indian and pakistani culture in that mini mall.

    Bringing gifts is always welcome to the filipino culture unlike other culture which would be misinterpreted as bribing. But goodwill still depends on whether your visit is to a foe or a friend.

    Vegetarian options are also available,but the MSG used there are questionable whether they are of halal quality or not. As many fast food outlets in SM malls have such accomodation,tutuban mall also have one,and probably all chapters of seventh day adventist christians have vegetarian meals and non_pork viands in their menu.

    hope you enjoy your visit. insha allah

  2. what to bring - any souvenir item wud be appreciated; something for the house - a decor item

    what to eat - tell your host family what you can & cannot eat.  they will understand.  if shopping for groceries, offer to pay for what you buy.  help also in preparing food.

  3. Just tell them the truth. They'll understand

  4. filipinos are nice people, if you tell them you don't eat non hala foods. they'll understand what you mean.. just explain to them and they'll be very nice and cook food also for you. don't worry too much ok. ;)

  5. Yes everywhere, even their famous Lecheon.

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