
Hamster Sneezing?

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I used to keep my Chinese Hamster on Ponderosa Pine bedding because I was told it was fine, but then I found out how dangerous it was and started by Kaytee Soft Sorbent. When Roho, my hamster, was on the old bedding he sneezed ALL THE TIME. Now that he is on the new bedding, he still sneezes occasionally. Is this something to worry about, like a resporitory infection, or is he fine? Oh, and he acts normal and runs around and is fun, so it is pretty weird.




  1. He could possibly have caught a cold. The Pine bedding probably is still in his system and he will stop sneezing after a little bit of time. Sometimes hamsters just have to sneeze. Im sure his sneezing is related to the pine bedding thing. Just always give him Kaytee and just wait a little bit. He will most definitely stop sneezing. Just wait a bit. Its good that he is totally healthy. If the sneezing doesnt stop then you should bring him to a vet because it could be a resporitory infection.

    Hope I helped. ^^

  2. maybe theres too much dust where he is.

  3. he will be fine

  4. it could only be a cold, and belive it or not they can have allergys, but jest call your vet and see what he says.

  5. to stop it pinch its nose with a chip clip till it can't breath anymore

  6. Check for shortness of breath, mucus, etc. Sneezing doesn't nessecarily mean a respiratory infection, though I cannot diagnose your hamster online...

    Last time I owned a hamster I kept him on the store's type bedding, wood shavings? It didn't crunch into dust and he never sneezed. What gave you the idea to keep him on anything different?

  7. Most mammals sneeze; including hamsters, I wouldn't worry about it much.

  8. hamsters are vit-c effient and is very easy for them to get a cold try some vit-c drops in the water

  9. well like people animals can get colds to! this may be what your hamster has! and you did a good thing to switch the bedding that type of bedding can be dangerous for small animals like that! I have a guinea pig and I used to use that bedding but I switched. Occasionally she will get colds and she has the same symptoms of your hamster, there is nothing to worry about! but if it still has the cold I recommend taking it to a local vet or mabye a pet store that can help you! good luck!

  10. Allergy.

    Nothing to worry about

    .Most mammals sneeze,even my dogs.
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