
Hamster cage help?!?

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Im geting one of these hamsters: golden, teddy, dwarf, or a robo. I like the habitrail OVO and the habitrail playground. I dont know which one to get! HELP! Im geting one because my B- day is on Thursday!!!!




  1. DID YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH?!!!!!! Robo's are quick and fast. Get a syrian or dwarf. YOu should do research before buying one that way you can see what hamster suits you! If those cages ar round they're a no-no.

  2. gosh get a teddy bear for sure they are they best! only thing is you HAVE to get them when they are really young so that You can raise them to be good. And i Strongly recamend a aquarium they are cheap and fun to design and also they give your hamster soo much more room i promise you wont regret it

  3. dwarf

  4. golden or teddy

  5. I have had my rodents, many cages.... and I would seriously recommend an aquarium over habitrail. The habitrail tubes etc become a pain in the butt to clean, and the rodents chew em up. Aquariums are easy to clean, hold mess in better, and can't be chewed up. You could get an "aquarium topper" to attach the aquarium to habitrail pieces later if you want.

    I wouldn't recommend the dwarf hamster, although small and cute they are not a friendly as the others.

  6. I would get either, the golden or robo. And i would go with the OVO cage. It looks much cooler and stuff. Or u can do this, get both the cages and two different hamsters lol.

  7. ive not seen any of these cages but you should get one with lots of tubes and activities for your hammy. they love to play alot. happy birthday for thursday!! go for the teddy. they are gorgeous and very friendly.

  8. NO! dont get the OVO!! it doesnt have enough space even with attathments, and it has bad ventilation! the habitrail playgroung is a better option, but it will get too small for larger hamsters. the BEST cages ive gotten are superpet crittertrail 2 and super pet rittertrail 2. no matter what  cage you get, the wheel they come with are c**p usully, so get a different wheel . i recommend silent spinner wheels. get the larger size. something like this:

    would be GREAT, bu, agian youd need a different wheel. well good luck =]

    EDIT!!: the chick below me dos NOT know what shes talking avout!! dwarves are soo sweet, you just need to handle them! i currently haave  that are the sweetest least agressive hamsters ive ever had! but, admitingly the larger hannies are best for beginners...

  9. Any cage other than a glass aquarium is not good for a teddy bear hamster because they get so big.  I've never had a golden hamster, but I think they get too big for them too.  The cages overall are not spacious enough for the hamster and they can get stuck in the tubes if they get big enough.  On the other hand, I had a dwarf hamster in a cage like that and it liked it.  Honestly, I couldn't say anything about a robo.  I would have to research them, but I haven't heard of them until today.

    I would suggest a glass tank as a cage since hamsters can't chew their way out and you get the fun of putting paper towel tubes, toilet paper tubes, wooden toys, and houses in there and customizing the cage yourself from time to time while plastic cages are usually really hard to clean (since you have to take them all apart) and you can't put very many things in there.

    Now for the hamsters.  I can offer a piece of advice on almost all of them, but it's really a preference.

    GOLDEN HAMSTER:  Expect it to walk around the cage and be active.  Not terribly, it's nocturnal like all hamsters, but it'll be more active than a teddy bear hamster.  I've heard they're sweet, but I've also seen nasty ones.  I would get a young hamster either way so you can raise it to be okay with being handled.  Best way.

    TEDDY:  These guys are utterly adorable, no matter how old they get.  They always look young, no matter how old they get and they're pretty much teddy bears!  They are slow and usually don't mind being handled because they sleep all the time.  Be careful though, if you smell like food, it might bite you when it first wakes up!!  The downside is that they don't do much.  They won't run in a wheel, they'll walk.  Everything they do is slow (unless it escapes from its cage).  Bright side is that they'll let you hold them as long as you develop a good relationship with them.

    DWARF:  Sadly, these have been voted the most aggressive and violent of all hamsters.  If you want a hamster you'll never be able to hold, not very social, and clings to you when it bites, this is your hamster!  I had two, sisters.  As soon as they were moved into their new cage at my home, one killed the other.  Sad but true, they don't make good companions, even if they're related.  Of all my other hamsters, dwarfs seemed to get sick the easiest.  With age, they tend to go blind and get more aggressive.  They're very frail, so you can't really grab them quickly.  Plus they're fast hamsters!  They'll jump and bite.  I always had to use a cloth to pick up my hamster or gloves when I had to pick it out of its cage. ):

    ROBO:  I've never heard of it, I couldn't offer any real advice on that one..  You could ask the pet lady about them, sometimes they have opinions, and you could ask friends what they know if they have one or have known someone with one, but I have heard someone else describe them as shy, timid, and hyper.  You'd have to research them more.  ^^  

    If its your first time getting a hamster, teddy bear would be my recommendation since they're gentle and easy to care for.  They usually are good first pets since they leave an owner confident that they can try something else.  They're usually good tempered as well.  Plus in the time you raise your first hamster, you may learn something else about another hamster.  This may or may not make you want another or that hamster as your next pet.  Rest assured though that teddy bear hamsters are pretty much as their names say: Teddy bears!

  10. I think you already posted a question on whether a habitrail OVO is good for a hamster and I have put in my opinion under that question. So have a look there.

    As for a choice between the two, I am partial to habitrail playground and the reasons also have been listed in the latest question you posted about what is the best habitrail cage.

    Hope this helps!

  11. The syrians(goden and teddy bear) are the cutest but I don't think either of those cages are big enough so I'd get a pair of dwarfs

  12. golden hamster

  13. First of all... golden and teddies are the same. I think you should go with the "playground."




      ^^^^^ ^^^^^

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          ^^ ^^

    OHHH!! and Hamy says"Happy Birthday!!"
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