
Hamster dying info?????

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Ok um

To start with what are all the signs when a hamster dies?

Like is she cold?

what happens to the fur

how she walks?

everything u know please




  1. If he/ she is very lose or feels like it is paralized!!  

  2. If its from old age then they don't walk around almost at all and can hardly keep there eyes open. The day before my hamster died he stopped moving for 10min and started to get cold. But then he was fine. Other hamsters die with out warning.

  3. she DOES get could not necesarilly limp maybe not moving or walking slow.the fur kinda looks old when she is getting pretty old.thats basically all the things that happen.hope i helped and good luck!

  4. How old is it? I had mine for 3 years and when he died I didn't notice anything just found him in a ball in his cage like he was sleeping.

  5. well yes they do get cold BUT be careful many people make the mistake and when the hamster is cold and not moving they think it is dead, but it can also mean that it is hibernating! It will also not wake up after a few hours and try holding the hamster and opening it's motuh. If it is ok then it should wake up as they hate it when you open their mouth. go to  for more info!

  6. Lets start with the basics:

    If she's dead, she won't be WALKING at all... She will be colder than usual as mammals are warm blooded animals. You most likely will not notice a change in her fur unless you wait a long time before disposing of her. You should be able to know for sure if she's dead or just sleeping.Try touching her on the head gently and see if she reacts.

  7. Ok. If you get a new hamster make sure your house or room is set to a good tempurature. They will die easily in heat. I live in Nevada and mine died in 2 days.  They will limp sometimes if they break a bone or are in pain. visual blood is a sign that they might die also. Their fur doesn't change besides if its dried with any blood. Hope I helped ;)

  8. My hamster started making strange train-like noises and not eating so i took it to the vet and they gave me antibiotics in case there was an infection in the cut on it's nose. If the antibiotics didn't work he would have a brain tumour... He died 2 days later from a brain tumour.

    Sh*t! I just found my 2 year old hamster dead and theres honestly very little left of*t. help?....

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