
Hamster help?!!!!!!!!!!

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I have a winter white hamster(something like that)named kiwi.we bought a hamster,the same winter white.we put them together,my kiwi started fighting with the other hamster .why?




  1. this is because of territory. and gender and breed. two different breeds usually dont get along. and if you decide to buy another hamster make sure its not the same gender. one will kill the other. i had two male dwarf hamsters. both male. one killed the other. :[

  2. maybe they dislike each other.hamsters usually like being alone. or i coukd be jealousy.

    good luck!

  3. Law L is right, and hamsters can get very territorial over things.

  4. They don't know each other and they might be trying to figure out who is the dominant hamster.  

    I don't know if this applies to hamsters too, but when you introduce mice to each other, you rub vanilla extract on their bums so their different smells are masked by that.

    Answer mine please, I posted it but it won't show up?!;...

  5. You introduced your hamsters too quickly and they started fighting. You need to use the split-cage method.

  6. The original hamster will have set up its own territory. Although dwarf hamsters can be kept together, this is not always the case and they may well fight. This can obviously be very distressing to the hamsters.

    Basically, when you introduced the second hamster, your original hamster will have felt threatened and will have acted accordingly.

    Unfortunately, I think the best thing in this instance is to get another cage. Please don't worry about them being lonely. If you give them enough love and care, they will not need each other and will be quite happy alone.

  7. You probably introduced them too fast. Put each of them in a different cage, side by side, this makes it so that they learn to be with each other. After about a month, put them in the same cage, under supervision, for about 5 minutes. Then put them back in their own cage. Every few hours, put them together for about five minutes.

    If this does not seem to be working it could be because hamsters, other than dwarfs, are used to living by themselves in the wild. The only time they come together is during mating, or when the mother has giving birth, she stays with the babies, usually the father leaves.

    Hope this helped!



  8. Well thats how hamsters are. They can get greedy when it comes to having another hamster. They don't really enjoy company cause they want their own space. Just cause its the same breed of hamster doesnt mean it will get along. We where gonna get my little Bruno hamster another dwarf hamster so he can play with but we called the petstore and they said they can only be together as littermates or else they will fight. So seperate him cause hamsters can fight till blood and death!

  9. well, how old is kiwi? is the other young? i got a hamster 2 years ago and named it rosie and then the next year i got a new one named snowy. within the first month they were both dead! rosie was awsome!!! short-haired hammys r the way 2 go!! 3 days ago i got a honey bear hammy & named it poo. =] she bit me yesterday tho!!!!!!!!!

  10. Because that's what they do if they're strangers.

    You need to introduce them slowly by using the split cage method.

  11. i had the exact same problem a few years ago. it is probably because they don't know each other very well and are unsure how they feel about each other. do NOT keep them in the same cage. i had to hamsters in the same cage and one actually ended up killing the other one, I'm not even kidding. it was terrible. you need to get two separate cages and slowly introduce them for a while. then split them up again. You can keep their cages together but its a lot better to keep them separate until they are totally used to each other. trust me, i would know. they could end up killing each other.

    good luck and i hope this helped=]  

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